When I stop being angry, I am left with such deep sadness about my relationship with my ex. I engulfs me and I cry and cry. It feels like i will never get over this break, never lose the images of him with other woman. Never forget the day I found out and he just laughed, while I felt like a piano had been dropped on me, never feel worthy of being loved by anyone again.
If I stop thinking he is a monster and think of him as a wounded child like the rest of us who is struggling and acting out because of his wounds I cant stand the pain. When I think of how fragile my personality must be to collapse into a pile of rubble over the break up of this marriage I feel very inadequate. There are two schools of thought on Narcissists, one that says there is no labelling that respectfully can describe a person and still keep the poetry of their soul intact. I am no angel and I was falling apart in that relationship. It did not build me up and I was being destroyed. Maybe I would be destroyed in ANY relationship. I have friends and they think I am stable and my friendships last for years mostly.
I guess this has something to do with talking to him when he was getting me to pay our line of credit off. He told me he felt joy everyday and that " it is a closely kept secret .... that you are mentally ill". He said it again. He said " Dont you say anything bad about my (new w). I wont hear of it". I was not going to say anything about her. But the fact that he was showing loyalty to her hit me hard. He also said that " if I had stayed longer you would have murdered me".
I actually did not consider murdering him. If I had known what was going on I might have been murderously angry but I am not a killer. Maybe that is it. Maybe he has some convaluted way of expressing guilt. Instead of I am sorry, he says you would have murdered me. Does this make sense to anyone. It is like he surgically wanted to destroy every aspect of my life and he continues to want this revenge. And I am still mooning over him. What is WRONG with me?
He wrote a letter to the bank manager where I bank and have loans etc and it was so clever and manipulative. It was meant to really get me in trouble. Very threatening. He slandered me with my employer and workmates. He convinced a few of them that I am really psycho I think. I dont really have hard evidence but I do know of one person that he told the most complicated lies too. Amazing really. Very elaborate.
I think he is really enraged that he did not destroy me. Like an idiot I let him know that I had put my life back together by putting a suite in the house. Retaliation came shortly after.
If his plans would have worked I would be :
fired from my job
lost my certification as a professional
my education would be for nothing
lost my house
my friends would think I was nuts
not able to retire for several more years
still paying off the hundred thousand I owe because of him
the psychologist who assessed me for work would think I was homocidal/suicidal
this is just so fantastic and horrible. Even reading it, you probably think, " Oh, where there is smoke, there is fire. She must be guilty of some of what he accuses her of". Well, I am not guilty of any of it. why on gods earth would he want to destroy me like this and still say he will love me until the day he dies.
See...... I am going through the blender again. A few words, or a long novel of your wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I cant even grieve this relationship decently because of all the lies, theft, slander etc. I bet his new woman is convinced I am completey crazy. this is the pattern. His family believes his stories about me and they all shun me now. Eight years of relationship building down the drain. i havent the heart to try to undue the damage.
I managed to go back to work, finish the year in good standing, put in a suite help pay my hugely increasedm mortgage, buy a little house as an investment, get over wanting to jump off a bridge, rebuild my broken relationship with my daughter, find three new friends in this funny little town, start drawing and painting again. But sometimes I remember the lion who is so angry, who hides behind a wall of silence, who pretends that all is well and hides his guns ready for the day that peace ends. that image is from a song by Josh Groban called,"Weeping ". It reminds me of E.
Guard your hearts and tend them with love,
Sea storm