Thank you both. I am making progress - slow but steady. Just in time. I really need it.
I am still teetering but finally on the side of breaking through the darkness and anxiety. I work on it every minute of everry day and it is worth it. Finally paying off. I have great hope for tomorrow and all tomorrows.
Facts are facts - N's most likely won't/can't change. I am valuable regardless of Ns' prjections onto me. Finally, learning how to be me without their projections and belittlements. I was those for far too long. Time to be me and time to let go of the unbearable shame that came with what they put on me all these years. Shame finally not killing me each and every minute.
My current goal is to get beyond the shame that pokes through hideously every night in my dreams. Once I break that barrier I will be free. I am so very close - thanks.
Love to you both - SS