Hi, tt,
I don't know whether this will help in your consideration of this topic,
but here are a couple more of my own thoughts.
Over the years, I'd accumulated quite a collection of articles which helped me find my way out of oblivion. That's how I viewed them.
I'd saved them as links, thinking that I never wanted to lose track of these gems.
Well, over time, these links would get "broken", meaning that the info which I'd considered a veritable treasure trove was no longer accessable.
Now, admittedly, I may have gotten too attached to these articles (this is something I'm exploring for myself), but still...
when I post something, I will include at least an excerpt from the content - and, on occasion, the full article - and not only a link, because I find broken links distressing. It's okay with me if some folks aren't interested in reading... because I know that some don't mind and may even appreciate that method!
If there is one old fable to which I no longer hold, it's this: It is my job in life to try to please everyone at all times.
But more than that, I often post articles and excerpts because it is the discussion which follows that helps me to understand and frame the content!
I can read something and get a vague sense of knowing "in my knower", but it's only when others comment and add their contributions that the meaning gets fleshed out and put into more practical application. When I cannot do that for myself, I find this exchange of thoughts invaluable.
So the bottom line is... it works for me and does not cause any real harm to others, so... I'll keep rowing my little boat.