Something that you have to remember, dear, is that you
do have a voice. You have the right to speak up for yourself even if it is to complain.
Why did
you feel the need to apoligize?
You were not the one who was late.
You were not the one who messed up the schedule. Why did
you apologize?
I don't think anyone would think ill of you if you told that receptionist that you didn't think you were being treated fairly as long as you did it in an acceptable manner:
"Maam, I have I had a scheduled appointment at 8:00 this morning and I have been here since 7:50. My doctor was the one running late, and in the mean time, I have sat here patiently as others who arrived
after me were seen
before me. Now after waiting for ove half an hour, you tell me that my doctor has finally arrived but is so far behind that he can no longer see me. Now you are asking me to wait for yet another doctor who has not arrived? I understand you are just doing your job, but this is extremely poor customer service on the part of your company and I refuse to sit here while other people go ahead of me any longer. Please go tell my doctor that I have been waiting for him since 7:50 and now that he is here he needs to see me immediately."
See? I recapped the situation in a tactful, but firm way and let them know both my displeasure with the service and my expectations. There is nothing wrong with that. This is how I usually handle unpleasent customer service situations. If it doesn't work then I ask to speak directly to a manager or supervisor. I have found that as long as I maintain a pleasent disposition, people are generally more willing to help me. When you start ranting it just creates a hostile environment. Likewise, if you take the "passive" approach people are more likely to walk all over you.
So, you get nervous when there are lots of people around? So do I. I rarely ever go out and when I do it is only for a few hours at a time. I never go to bars or clubs.
I have worked with many doctors in my lifetime so I understand exactly why it is that they get behind. I just go and expect a small wait...although your situation was quite excessive. When I know I'm going to have to wait, I take something to do. I am hyperactive so I need to occupy myself at all times or I get into mischief!
I take a book or some sort of craft that is both small enough to carry and complicated enough to require my concentration to do accurately: Cross stitch, crochet, knitting, writing, etc.
Hey, writing may be a good idea for you. You can write about how you are feeling at the time. I have found that to be most helpful in my times of stress.
Listen, if there is
anything I have learned in my life it's
mind over matter! "If you don't mind, it don't matter!!"
you are in control of
you and
you alone! You can't control what that doctor does or what that receptionist says or how many people are in that waiting room, but you
can control how you respond to those kinds of situations. The human mind is a POWERFUL force! It is SO much more powerful than most of us realize. You just need to practice tapping into that power outlet and take control of your life!
Good luck to you!