Hi Dawning and BT,
Yes, I'm an absorber too. "Get to the joker with the stone" is just saying, I think, gee after getting hit with so many stones try to take care of the source of the stones. In this case, the source of the loud noises ie turn the stereo down, lock up the barking dog, or get the N to be quiet.
Anyway, I'm going to imagine myself wrapped in acoustic foam the next time I have to deal with the nasty people in my life. Hopefully some of it will bounce off.
BTW, for some reason I had to add an S to seeker because when I tried to send this, it said "this name already taken" or something.
Another story: one hot evening everyone in our apartment complex had their windows open and heavy metal rock blasting on their stereos. My H and I are rather quiet and after a long work week, that's what we wanted. H says OK, that's it! Opens our window, turns on our stereo to the opera station. "Awwhaaeaeaearrrrrrrrriiaaah" Slam! Slam! Slam! All the windows shut and bye bye Metallica! Silence is golden.
