I'm sorry guys, I really have gotten behind in reading.
I'd like to say I'm hopping in and out and just generally awed by the level of growth that seems to be happening with so many of us in leaps and bounds.
Maybe there's just a tipping point and a surge of healing that happens here...sure looks like it!
But I'm sure there is pain and there are losses that I've missed seeing, and I am sorry. Sending love.
I've been preoccupied with getting over my trip (took about a week of extra sleeping), crazy-busy work, rewarming friendship (but at a new distance) with the gardener which has been good and healing, and most recently, shock and grief over the shooting at our church in Knoxville. A maddened man who read right-wing books and loathed liberals and gay people.
So a liberal church that asserts gay rights was a target for him.
A very tragic event that's still reverberating. We had a compassion service with our weeping interim minister who happens to have just moved here from Tennessee. Tonight I took 20 yards of black fabric and did a mourning drape over our church sign. I've been reading many blogs, they are heartwarming and moving. We are a small denomination but we're getting messages from many countries.
It's also a chilling thing. "I guess it's open season on Unitarians" my friend said. I saw a "Liberal Hunting Season" sign on the Net... This country's gone so very far off course.
Anyway, sort of preoccupied with all that, but wanted to pop in and send some love.
much to all of you,
Hops PS--here's a wonderful link: