Yes, this kind of abuse happens. It should NEVER happen, but it does.
Yes, it offends even laws of nature... abomination in the eyes of God.
But, more and more, I'm coming to believe that once the horror has been faced... once all the outrage has been expressed... once all the pain & humiliation are acknowledged...
then the next step has to be learning compassion and love for ourselves - reparenting, if necessary. Being our own wise and loving parents.
It is at this stage that we also have to learn to let GO the fascination and focus on those awful, horrible feelings. Letting go isn't an instantaneous, magical "freeing" from those emotions... rather it's a gradual turning away from and TOWARD something better - compassion, caring, guiding... and giving one's self CREDIT and PRAISE where only abuse existed before. It takes time.
It's not clear cut; it's supremely messy. It's one step forward and two steps back. But, the effort itself is what is worth it - the journey is more important than the destination, really. It's the same one all humans experience - whether loved as a child or not.
I am not the master of this process... right now, it appears to "own" me, rather... and I'm trying my best to understand. It's a foreign concept to me.