Haven't given any updates lately, but have something to report.
As some may know I have been entangled with a sibling in court for a good long time. A few years back we sued him for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Today at a settlement conference as the trial drew near, he capitulated unexpectedly with an agreement to a judgement admitting to every single one of our allegations in return for a zero dollar judgement. While we have, IMO, sustained huge monetary damages and we, by agreeing to this are not conceding we had no monetary damages, that was never what it was primarily about. It was about justice and either the admission by him or the judgement of a jury that what he has done is outrageous and beyond the bounds of decency. With this judgement today I can finally present to any person who might listen to him, a court decision, that he admitted what was done was intended to inflict emotional distress on us, was so outrageous as to be unacceptable in a civilized society, that he threatened to give false testimony, that he withheld documents from litigation, that he left threatening phone messages on our answering machine and much more. Never again do I have to listen to people in my family defending him without being able to push a copy of his admission of what he did right up their noses.
We are still in court on a few property issues in which I believe we have an even stronger case so it aint over. But so far we're two for two and this viindication will only make the next ones easier.
Take heart, anyone stuck in court with a person like this; stick it out and you'll win. Not gauranteed of course but more likely than not. Like 99 things out of 100 just show up and persevere and you'll win.