You went to H&R Block. Doesn't that mean you did seek the help you needed, and that the adult you was functioning?
As far as an emotional bandaid, I can see it, yet from what you said, you were there for yourself practically.
Another thought - are you in any way perfectionistically setting yourself up by hoping that you'll get to why, as in once and for all why, you felt so profoudly shamed, tonight ? Not that you can't get blinding insights, I know I have gotten a lot of A-HA !'s when I've journaled.
I'm glad that you see about the "small T's", and that the EFT is something you find helpful.
As has been discussed, we often do to ourselves what was done to us, and we need to unlearn that.
It must feel overwhelming, practically and emotionally, to have the financial, tax, and legal issues. I'm struggling now in getting the last parts of my mom's estate completed. I'm getting a bit angry at myself, but it's a good anger, more of a galvanizing force. I want things out of my hair. There are many other things I need and want to do, but I can't do those overnight.
Insights are so important, but "insighting" can be so seductive ! A paradox, for sure.
As a matter of fact, I've frittered away most of my day. So, what say you, GS ? Shall we go for it again? Are there any tasks that we can do "together" tonight? Or pick an amount of time that we'll alot to a task? Again, no pressure.
cats paw