Cute Carolyn,
I seems a long, long, time since, in 3D, I've dealt with anyone that ever there was a need for an apology on either side!
Maybe that's why I don't have too much to b*tch about.
I don't mean to go off topic on your thread,
BUT I will because.....
I finally have my wheelchair fixed
I finally, after dealing with the broken leg, got back to the chair. I had a good guy come pick it up, cost only $82.50 for him to give me a "dump". That is what we call a 1" drop for the bum from the back of knees. New wheelchair didn't have one and I never noticed per se, but I always had the feeling of 'falling forward' and didn't realize it was because my as* was straight across.
Test run to elevator in old chair, 45 pushes. Test run back from elevator (both trips with Dave) in new chair, 45 pushes. (used to be about 58.)
Dave is with a company I didn't know about, so will deal with them in the future.
Okay everybody....back to the N kitty