Hi axa,
I understand what you are saying. I am where you are, the difference being I do not want to go for a relationship now. It takes too long to get one going and knowing it is right....so long I'll be on death's door., so to speak.
Now in a relationship and I have thought of this, it is not easy these days. People have been too
dysfunctional, to use a seldom-used word around here.

We can hope for a relationship that is honest, trusting and true love, in which case there would be no abuse to look forward to......................
all trusting!.....................................but if your partner (or you) is from dysfunction and not at all ready, you can expect no true, trusting love or an abuse-free relationship.
I think when two people join in a commitment and that TRUE love is not there, it raises resentments, irritations, petty arguments, that will not be settled, but will go on to be outright abuse of each other.
Remember what my Therapist said.
We are who we are and we therefore have expectations. Unmet expectations bring disappointment, and that is where it is to be 'nipped' and only in a trusting relationship, I see, can that be done without any anger whatsoever...and the disappointment is gone, not left to fester and grow into a ball of seething rage, that borders on insanity when spewed forth.
Oh Lordy I'm scaring me!