Yes this is horrific. . My sister works down in Manhattan for the officials. She happened to be home with my nephew that day of the attack attending dr. visits for his broken arm. I remember watching the big screen TV after I put my son on the bus. It was unreal. I couldn't even take in what I was looking at. My mind drifted to my sister and when I called her phone..she answered..otherwise I was on the way to her daughters school then into N.Y to look for her...
We had to make plans immediately for the *what if*...into me promising not to go to New York to look for her and that she loved me...and to go to her kids first...that one of us would need to survive for them... She talked of getting in touch with me..the phones would be tied up. Never in my life did I think I had to make plans in case of terrorist attack...until 9/11 and my sister in the direct hit of where it may happen. That is a promise I don't know if I could keep.
I had to I want to take my kids out of school that day..the schools emptied. I watched the towers go down...I put my head down and knew of two people that would be in there... My sister said, most likely they were retired...I knew they would not be...and if so..they were still there. It was just who they are...they would give their life to save an other..which they did.
She called her job, the person who answered was talking and saying...the windows are shaking...I have to go...."do you hear it" "do you hear it" ...*shock* yet had to keep their heads...
She would get off the train and met with military...showing her I.D. numerous times...she said it smelt (death)..there were rats running all over the place..she wore a mask...the rescue teams...were in so much danger..just health related..they were exhausted, they were getting sick and they kept on going, the funerals were one right after the was indescribable...a war's being sent in from everywhere to assist the rescue workers in any way they could...
I never looked to see who was lost. I didn't want to know...yet..knowing who they were..I already knew....without confirmation...
A boy in my sons school lost his father a police officer Port Authority, my friend across the street lost her best friend, my cousins husband (wife) and he remarried her since then lost his wife. I lost two in the wedding party..and many..many faces...I was familiar with...a woman in this area lost her husband and then took her own life shortly afterwards...
The day was indescribable...the after effects were indescribable.......and people have changed.
We go on..we must..but the day and the effects..should never be forgotten....Never..
There were so many lives stolen that day and more lives at risk today...They still suffer with after effects of trying to do the rescue...the health issues..that may or may not happen...some lost their lives to *health issues* already from after effects...rescue dogs..lost their lives...and many still suffer emotionally...scared, haunted, still healing...
And the people.....people from around the world came..with rescue, supplies or even words....
We must never forget the day of 9/ll. This is my tribute to all who have lost loved ones...lost lives...and rescuer's... I will remember...I'll never forget.