Got a little time... but I don't know if I can explain myself in a way that others can understand. I'm simply going to try.
For all the experiences that I've related here... the feelings I've expressed... the leaps of understanding that I seem to get from time to time... none of these are all that important anymore.
I am myself. Not Twiggy & me... not even a "survivor". Just a person mucking through life the best I can, these days. If anything, all the stuff I've learned in the past 3-4 years tops anything that I learned through books, college courses, and so-called spiritual groups. Especially in the past few weeks.
There really wasn't much choice involved about my re-engaging fully with my job. All that stuff has to get done; and it's me that does it. And the usual frustrations, meltdowns, even flat out anger all occurred... and all got "handled" appropriately... albeit with my usual dramatic vocal pleading with the gods to save me from people with phd's who can't THINK.... people who are in some ways, worse off - more "stuck" - than I am. Those are the exceptions. Outstanding in their inability to reason. On the whole, I've enjoyed my work with faculty the past weeks and even made some new friends.
I didn't do a lot of second-guessing myself, when expressing my anger & frustration. No guilt or remorse. In one instance, someone who has continually pushed my boundaries of following established procedure created a problem, because of not following procedure... and I was able to professionally deliver my consequences and request that this never happen again. That was enjoyable. It felt GOOD.
I have spent some time with the new leadership on campus; getting to know them and their philosophy and style. And I've had a surge of feelings of empowerment - that I don't have to walk on eggshells anymore, trying to please everyone, everywhere on campus, all the time. It's actually expected of me that I make decisions and stick to them. And the reason I wasn't "allowed" to... has been defanged. I'll be working closely with other people, finally being free to pursue the goals I was passionate about - then demoralized over - when I first arrived here 8 years ago.
I took 2 months off from tai chi to have the time/energy to care for myself during this crazy, exhausting, busy time. Just started back last night. It feels good to be back... and it's going to be fruitful. So, so much about me is different now, than before...
I am 100% convinced that progress - seriously life-changing progress - happens in such small, gradual increments while my mind focusses on this problem, that issue... works through that struggle... that I was healing "without even trying". Yes, there were things that I had to do: express my real feelings in a real-life situation... examine the mysterious processes I used to use to abuse myself: and WHY... why matters... but it's not the goal.
The goal is to just be me. And I finally am.
I haven't mastered all the things about me that I learned I had to work on... I haven't quit smoking, either. Like ALL other self-aware people, I'll be working on this stuff until my last breath. I'll still miss the obvious... I'll still make big mistakes, little mistakes...
BUT THAT'S OK, because I'm me... and I'm free to feel whatever and I don't have a problem expressing myself (ms. chatty-cathy....) and now that I have "me" back... I'm not letting go of ME again.
Discovered that all the descriptions of me as stubborn, hard-headed, extroverted, determined & persistent were really descriptions of the "pretend" me; external me... in reality, I gave up. I gave up - lost - more than a lot of people lose. Most significantly, I lost my SELF. Gave it up, willingly... betrayed myself for a promise of "love" in my foo, that wasn't really love after all. I could write a modern Greek tragedy out of the real facts...
But, hell - in the end - doesn't matter. Nope. Doesn't give me the time back, doesn't let me have a "do-over" of all those years. Doesn't change my mom, my daughter who seems to have inherited whatever is wrong with my mom. Only thing examining this in retrospect, in full 3-D living color emotional detail, and re-writing it over & over has done is help me be comfortable with what was... what is... to let go of it.
My boundaries are getting healthier. I want what I want, and that's important to ME. It doesn't have to be important to anyone else - and it doesn't mean I think it's more important than what others want, either.
The false boundaries that belong to the pretend self - the disguise, the role - only served to keep myself trapped in an endless cycle - a closed loop - of struggle and self-abuse... smoking is one such false boundary: keep those emotions well hidden, managed, keep people seeing the "real" me...
"boundary" comes from "bind"... I learned boundaries as an imprisonment; not as security or wholeness, self.
it's OK if people see me the way I am. I'm OK. I don't have to hide... fake it... or be what I'm not. Not everyone is going to like me... and I'm not going to shrivel up & die, if they don't. Doesn't mean they're "right" or "better" than me, anyhoo... doesn't mean I'm "bad", either...
People ARE going to be upset with how I'm enforcing boundaries, at work. Know it, anticipate it, am OK with it. The habits? Well, I think just like the progress I've been making - just under the radar of awareness - those habits will also change, without even hardly trying... because the more I'm ME... the more I can simply make the choice in the present moment about what is healthy, wise, and what I WANT for me...
sure feels like I'm finally on the downhill side of the gravel mountain... slip-sliding... skiing... snowboarding my way down... and hot-doggin' it. Always was a "show-off"... it's FUN.