Hi Beth
I have a number of people who like me, but one problem is that I smoke...............................so many allergies these days that they cannot stop in for a minute, or come in and go straight to the balcony.........................so I sometimes meet them downstairs in the lobby and that is just not cozy... comfy.
I still smoke and I need the comfort, because I have NO comfort otherwise,....no one who touches, no one who hugs, ...NO ONE,,,,and a cig is my comfort. I'm not complaining here...I just had to go back a bit and say why!
Now I expect that sounds sad, and it is, but I have learned to put myself into my own shoes and live with it!
I have a cleaning person coming on Thursday. She will likely say--------"This looks OK. What should I do?..... except she already knows about my ceiling liight fixtures.-----Now if I work really hard, I can have the place spotless before she comes!!!!![/i]
Ain't that the way???? Well--before this episode of my broken leg and the weakness that came from it, I could scoot out of my chair to the floor and clean beneath the sink (messy spot.) Now I can't because once on the floor, I cannot get back up to the chair.
But in the chair I can dust and polish and clean at my eye level, so a Hired Cleaner does 'above and below' now!
(There was a time when I was about 32 yrs. old and worked and had a gal come in once a week. I was feeling cheated as she appeared lazy. Paralyzed legs and all I crawled up onto the counter, and grabbed things so I could stand straight and see the top of my cabinets. I wrote my name in the dust.
Then, I was there and asked her to check up there and she felt awful...I had her clean that day but she was fired at the end!
Well that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
I was never that messy with my cleaning when I was a teenager.