I think it does bring out some general "yuckiness" in me, and I think before I used to feel cast aside and bewildered that she found me so unloveable. But now I know her mind and I know what matters to her (money, power, attention) so I am not feeling bad about myself. I am more irritated by the intrusion into my life to fill her little game role. But if I were to say I didn't feel like talking to her each time, it would giveher ammunition to use against me. So I have to listen and answer her pointless questions and hear her blather that she loves us (all done in a dramatic fashion for those in earshot).
I hope you will realize soon, Ami, that your NM is this way... it's not about you. It is ALL about her. You are just a fly that buzzes around sometimes. That says nothing about you. It is like the person whose eyes are closed to art or literature. They never get to see what is there, because they deem it unimportant.
Love, Beth