I really like the complete protien and grain source found in quinoa..... tiny little I've added to our diet.
It comes prewashed usually, but give it a good rinse as it can be bitter if you don't.
Great product, I hope you try it.
Simple to make, like rice. Don't overcook and it has a lovely texture you can pair with things (in place of pastas) but without the gluten.
I also like the Barilla PLUS pastas made with Semolina AND Legume Flour blend (Chick Peas and Lentils) if I'm going to cook pasta.
You get 17g of Protein (30%dv)
360mg if ALA Omega-e (28%dv)
7g Fiber (28%dv)
On Snapping Turtles:
They look a lot like regular turtles, but have some differences, besides biting.
1) If they show themselves, their tails are quite large, with a serrated looking top.
2) They have hooked noses, kind of boxed off, but not so obviouse in young turtles.
3) They can't pull themselves completely into their shells. Regular turtles can close up entirely.
Now.... for the most telling (and obviouse) sign:
As part of their defense, they have a terrible odor, not subtle.
Picture a vat of rotted muscadine grapes, motor oil and fermented swamp funk.
No mistaking it, once you know what you're sniffing for.
If you've mistakenly picked one up, say, out of the middle of the road....... he'll soon become very agressive and begin pushing off your fingers with his hind claws, effectively launching his head and neck half way round his shell.
If you grabbed him mid shell, you've already been bitten and will toss him, hopefully to safety.
If not, you've used good (or lucky) judgment and grabbed him at theback-end. He'll have even better leverage at your fingers, so don't let him go airborn in the road. In any case, his snout will come alarming close to your fingers.
Stay calm and put him down safely, as quickly as you can.
When he struggles, smelly crevice crud will fall from his underside.
If you discovered his differences in your home, or over your car console, that's unfortunate.
Worry about getting him to safety, then sanitize your hands and anything the crud on or into later.
Did anyone else know they smell and can grow to 35plus lbs, eat birds, small animals and carrion and have been known to attack people?
One more thing to worry about, at the creek: /