Hey bean,
Haven't been on in a while, but saw your topic. I may sound dorky, but whenever I go into something (having a baby, relationship, animal care), I get books and read about what is recommended.
Sooooo... these are some things we decided early on and some that worked out:
I did not fall instantly in love with my husband. As we got to know each other, I realized how intelligent and interesting he was. He was also not the type I had dated physically!!!
When we decided it was a relationship, we agreed on a few things - honesty above all else. I told him that if he ever wanted someone else - fine - let me know and I'd be outta there so he could pursue her. BUT that would be it for us. We agreed that we would be honest because that was such a big part of respecting one another. When arguing, we have never "blamed" each other for problems. We are careful to say, "I think" or "I feel that...." We don't "fight dirty." If we do fight, it is an issue we really need to resolve - and that is our goal (not that I don't think he is a royal jerk during those times, or vice versa).
I haven't finished reading it yet, and I am not enomaroed of Dr. Laura, but I do like the book she has about marriages (I think it's The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriages). I was feeling irritable with hubby a lot and started reading it. One thing it said, which has really stuck for me, is that you may not be in love with your husband at the moment, but you always realize that as a whole he is what you want in a husband. I think that is so important - finding a person that meets most of the ideals/needs you want in a partner.
Lots of love, Bean. Hope you are doing well.