My mother just kind of doesn't exist as a separate person. Or she DOES, but she's so confused about identity, so unmoored and baffled, and maybe she feels empty, so she's always sort of taking on personas. I can speak for why my father disliked his family: by nature, family members require something of each other. My father believes only his needs are important--and when I say this I mean openly believes, he will STATE that he is above everyone else, that his mere desires come before anyone else's needs. So in his mind the entire family dynamic was supposed to be his wife and kids (from the moment of birth) making sure he had everything he wanted. Of course, he's unsatisfiable as well. We aren't separate beings, were less than slaves, if there's something wrong in his life it's because someone's not trying hard enough. Naturally, kids don't have any way of filling the needs of their parents. My mother was so abused and bewildered she didn't know what hit her. He's a monster of someone's making. His parents, maybe, himself, yes. But there it is.