Author Topic: Sea Storm's story  (Read 1741 times)


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Sea Storm's story
« on: October 17, 2008, 12:40:59 AM »
Hi Sea,

Thank you for sharing your is compelling and honest and I'm moved by it.
It's a brave thing to narrate, unflinching, how things really were.

I can see how this will free you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2008, 08:56:53 AM »
My heart resonates with you. I want to find words to express how I feel, but I can't. I am so sorry you endured that.         
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2008, 06:06:01 PM »
Sea storm:  You didn't by any chance date my father?

Not meaning to make light of your story.  It's very compelling and YES you should write it.  Really, you should.  In the meantime you are/were not a doormat.  You were the one doing the right thing when those around you were doing the wrong thing, you were alone in that, and believe it or not, that takes strength, even if you think you did it for the wrong reasons.  You didn't mortgage YOUR integrity, they did.   The pattern of abuse you lay out in your story is so very familiar to me, and if I showed it to my mother she'd gasp and say, "I could have written that."  And like you, she has earned the right to hold her head up high. 


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2008, 06:06:09 AM »

Lord, but it brings it all back.  The second guys grooming of you is so familiar - do they have a handbook and the "I never will leave you" that was the big hook for me.  It held the promise of never being alone and always being safe.  My heart goes out to you having survived those experienes, the phrase "a lamb to the slaughter" come to mind.  Thank you for writing your story, it has been helpful to me and I so hope it has been helpful for you.


sea storm

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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 02:15:41 PM »
Thanks for the replies. It has taken me eons to begin the story.  So much shame, betrayal, living in crazyland.  In some ways I was groomed from the beginning to accept abuse and support my abuser.  All he had to do was be nice and I would forgive anything.  If I did not forgive, then there would be no relationship.  All that would be left was a big void.
I think I was and am afraid to confront my own demons.

There are lessons to be learned from dancing with the devil.  If he really is evil.  I still cant accept that. Evil.  Stealing, lying, slandering, humiliating usually add up to evil as defined by the Bible.   I was groomed to be forgiving. Oh the poor wounded puppy must have been abused so that is why he did those things.  Well, so what if he was wounded. It made him offended material and wiped out his empathy.  i was tricked and I fell for it.  i am proud and this stings.

I want to claim back my life now.  I want to fill the void by my self.

Sea storm


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 05:11:44 PM »
By my definition anyone who baits, punishes and rewards a child into participating in his or her own denigration/destruction is evil.  Pure and simple.  I suspect my NF was treated by bizarrely (abused?  not sure) by his own freakish father, who probably out N'd pops.  But how he treated me, my brothers, my mother, his subsequent wives, business partners, lord only knows whom else, was his CHOICE.  Honestly, I can't put my finger on one person who is genuinely better off for having known him.

You'll fill that void SS.  You are taking steps. Brave ones.

sea storm

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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 06:33:26 PM »
Thanks for the reply gjazz

It is a horrible realization. I can see my mothers face as she colluded with people who were cruel to me.  It is beyond my comprehension emotionally.  Intellectually I know it happened. I hope I dont carry that gene.

When I was fifteen I was sexually assaulted and I ended up comforting the man who did it because he said he was sorry.  It became all about him and how bad he felt.  Now that takes training.

I am much better at having boundaries now. A little better but I have to be conscious. It was not hard wired in me to respect myself.

There is little doubt that poor parenting and a narcissistic mother contributed to my acceptance of the denigrating situation of my last long term relationship.  I was so afraid of the void that would happen if I drew the line.  Instead, the abuse got worse and worse. I was my own worst enemy.  Now, I protect myself and feel afraid to let anyone close. Only very kind people.  Also, I like my own company. 

Sea storm


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2008, 07:59:19 PM »
We have a few things in common.  My mother is not narcissistic, but she colluded with my father, even if it meant just keeping quiet.  The weird truth is that in those moments, she believed he was right.  She believes in/takes on the views of whomever seems "strongest" in any given situation.  She's just kind of a ghost.  Now as always.  My father on the other hand, I have no problem characterizing as evil.  He's also incredibly charming, funny, all that stuff--provided you don't say something he disagrees with.  Because he spins on a dime.  I've been my own worst enemy for many years, and still am at times.  I tell myself I'm not good enough constantly, I just try to be aware of it and stop.  And I too protect myself and let very few people close. Very few.  But the void--that comes from allowing the wrong ones in, I think.  Being alone isn't as bad as wishing you were.  Hang in there.

sea storm

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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 12:16:51 AM »
I hear you.  That part about mother taking on the values of whoever is strongest.  What a betrayal.  I can see how we have to do that because some bureaucracies are huge and we have to kow-tow and all that. But letting a child be bullied by whoever is strongest really reeks .
I think I know your father very well.  It is very confusing to be close to someone like that.  So charming and surrounded by people who want some of that glitter to rub off on them.  Maybe there is a formula that exists that explains why they think so little of their loved ones.  Narcissism explains a lot of it.  The poetry and the complexity is not explained.  The randomness and the confusion isnt graphed out.

I dont know if my mom was narcissistic but she had many of the traits.

I was  noticing today how often I feel shunned and less than others. It is a real battle to keep up the front of competence.  I think it is deeply ingrained. I try to catch it and stop it.


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Re: Sea Storm's story
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2008, 05:17:10 PM »
My mother just kind of doesn't exist as a separate person.  Or she DOES, but she's so confused about identity, so unmoored and baffled, and maybe she feels empty, so she's always sort of taking on personas.  I can speak for why my father disliked his family: by nature, family members require something of each other.  My father believes only his needs are important--and when I say this I mean openly believes, he will STATE that he is above everyone else, that his mere desires come before anyone else's needs.  So in his mind the entire family dynamic was supposed to be his wife and kids (from the moment of birth) making sure he had everything he wanted.  Of course, he's unsatisfiable as well.  We aren't separate beings, were less than slaves, if there's something wrong in his life it's because someone's not trying hard enough.  Naturally, kids don't have any way of filling the needs of their parents.  My mother was so abused and bewildered she didn't know what hit her.  He's a monster of someone's making.  His parents, maybe, himself, yes.  But there it is.