Wow, gjazz your story was amazing, thanks for sharing.! I can't even imagine doing what you did 20 years ago, that says so much for you and the type of person you are...just amazing! My question do I figure out what has kept me with him? I feel this is the big million dollar question......why, why, why????? My therapist asks me all the time, what do you get out of this relationship and all I can say is really nothing other than occasional companionship.
Ami, I feel that I am the same way as you are...I need someone to affirm me and give me that sense of identity all the time....your right it's a sad place to be.
Gratitude, thanks for your praise and encouraging words. And your right, my son is fabulous, he is such a great man, I am so proud of him. Thanks for complimenting him! My sister agrees with what you say...I am just a convenience for my N fiance (now ex).
You are all a blessing for me right now.........I can't thank you enough. This is so difficult for me.