With the slowing down of the Board, we don't have our two favourite many time posters, Ami and LLeahh, keeping the pages rolling by.
It appears we might not see one another again long before the cut-off time.
I miss lighter's sweet posts of "Fireflies in the Garden" ..what a wonderful movie.
I am so sorry for Hops and OC re their N mothers.
I miss the every 4 minutes change in topics. Are we healing or boring?
I am happy I had my beginning, middle and close-to-end at this time.
I miss changing and tt on their regular basis with their wisdom.
I joined a Families site and was taunted off the Board because I was 69 and they were all 25 or under with new babies and never knew about N/P/Sociopaths----yet! Their time might come!
There is GS, and CB, and PR, and seasons and Beth, and axa and Elaine, and Deb, Dawning and Sunblue.
There used to be so many more.There are topics yet to be torn apart, agreed upon or 'thumbs down'.
And when will we ever know if one of our gals found a soulmate at last?