Author Topic: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...  (Read 1465 times)


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CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« on: November 18, 2008, 07:07:50 PM »
Today I had 3 places to go and that means 4 times (counting home) to put the ‘chair into and out of the car, and had decided I would take any help offered or ask for it, if needed.***
All places were in one mall, but not worth an extra ‘loading’ if unnecessary.
First stop, okay where I asked directions to 2nd stop. I decided to wheel there and lose one strain on my shoulders. As I returned to my car which is 19 years old, dressed in black slacks, shoes, light blue top, black and gray jacket , and a ½ smile so I don’t look grumpy, a young man bounded toward me to ask if I needed help. ***I began to say “No” and then said “Yes” and he said…point order
1. I reminded him of his mother, but I had a younger voice, nice and clear.
2. I told him (70) and he said his mother was 63 but looked older than I and had a ‘whispery older voice’
3. Asked if I could help him.
4. Did I have a gas can and I said “No”

His truck was about ½-hour drive to the East, out of gas. He arrived to me on a bicycle (that I hadn't noticed until he pointed it out as I was looking to putting the chair into my car,) that he had had in the truck and was checking for gas stations that would help him but…..
..I don’t know this for a fact, but apparently one must now buy a gas can ($9.18, with tax) and he had $7.00 on him. As well, he needed gas to get home, about an hour’s drive South. (I tank up 4 times a year and when I'm running on 1/8th tank, so pay no attention to some details.)

He is French Canadian, about 30, well dressed in work clothes, neatly trimmed hair, moustache and short, chin-shaped beard, brown eyes, from our Province of Québec: most definitely does not look like a street ruffian or homeless person.

I hesitated in my mind, saying” I am being taken” yet…again I felt not, so said, “I don’t have much $$ on me ($30.00 and change) and after double checking exactly what he needed, I asked if $20.00 would do the trick and handed it to him. He mentally calculated and I took out another $5.00 in change and handed it to him , then he was embarrassed and wanted to give it back as he said he felt so foolish. I decided I would “do a good deed" and see what happened, as he said he would pay me back.

He comes through here very early in the morning, and leaves about 3:00 p.m. and suggested he buy me a bottle of wine. Chit-chat. Le Piat D’or White I chose. I ripped my address from an envelope I had and gave it to him, and we discussed map and when I said Newspaper, Library, RCMP station, he said he knew where to go.

With sincere thanks he left for his bike and began the trek back to his truck (whereby he would pass many gas stations) and waved again once on the highway. He did ask If I were going his direction and I said, "No. I am not, as I have yet to do the marketing, right here". I pointed to the far end of the mall, to the store, where I drove and accepted help*** from another offer when I came out with my groceries, and this young man went out to the driving lanes to stop traffic to let me in so I could leave the Mall.

What would you have done?
Do you vote YES or NO that I was conned?  and maybe why you chose your answer and let’s all see?

..and I won’t know until tomorrow, Wed the 19th. I’ll be back in 3-4 days and tell you what happened.

Me? the eternal optimist, as well as the most cynical woman on earth says YES~ If he doesn’t show……well it’s NO~~~~too late


I must mention this. I said that he was a very charming young man, so if I was being conned, I wanted him to be well aware that I knew this. (As sometimes happens to me, I say all the right words, bur thern I cannot quote myself afterward.)

He also had said he would pass my good deed along
(I never looked at his ring finger.)

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 07:39:07 PM »
He doesn't have a credit card?  I hope it's OK.  Hope you weren't taken for $25.  Wish you hadn't given a stranger your address, though.  Please be careful!


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Re: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 09:03:14 PM »
Hey Iz,

Yes Izzy I probably would have given it.  If I was conned then I was conned but I still would have felt better if this poor guy was truly stuck.  I would have taken the chance (like you) to loose the money.

I don't think I would have given my address though.  I would have said to pay it forward and help someone in need.

Some times people need help and sometimes we get conned.   For 25$ I would have taken the you did.

I would have just felt better knowing that if I could afford it and giving it that just maybe this guy got home....and if it just added to his bank role of a con game....Then I still didn't' lose because it still would have made me feel good..

Something's are a gamble.  Something's I am willing to gamble and how much I am willing to lose if the cards are not in my favor...
The 25$ I would have gambled.  I could live with that.



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Re: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 09:22:19 PM »
I would be like you, Izzy, and let him know I wasn't fooled by anything, but that I would still help and keep a sweet wish that he actually was a good guy. I would be surprised if he comes back, but it would be a good surprise. I would be careful about giving out your address, though, if it is for your apt. But then, you are a wise lady and no doubt know that.
Let us know, Izz!!!!
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 06:19:12 PM »

Hi Iz,

Con man or not, he sounds like a clever and persuasive young man!  I don't know if I would have given him $, but if  I had, I would think of it as a gift and forget it.  I wouldn't have given him my address. 

I have been approached a number of times by meth addicts who pan handle in plain sight at gas stations asking for money to buy gas to go take formula to their babies or something like that.   It works every time if I tell them to pull up their car and I'll put a few gallons in.  They never have a car and feign that they ran out of gas a mile or so from the gas station.   It's a hard call sometimes.




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Re: CONMAN or not?--Let's have fun.. I don't know yet!...
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 02:37:02 PM »
Aww! No one likes fun anymore?

No he didn't show.

Hi gjazz,

I was prepared to go downstairs in a building of 85 apartments with my cell phone....never yet used... if he came and to have him live with his conscience if he didn't, if he has one. As well as, if he didn't, we have a Small Crimes Unit, online, to register into a database for the Police and they can cross reference if a similar M.O. is reported. I might have been linked to another report if he has done this before. I consider $25.00 a 'small crime' and am not "mad" because of my original suspicion / 'charming man'.

Thank you deb and Beth

I felt that way too.
A $25.00 loss is a cheaper test than giving my whole body to a dirty old bum.... a test to see what my judgement was now like and, as I did it and wrote about it, I felt no remorse. More at bottom

Thank you tt

I am not in physical condition to put myself in harm's way, i.e. give him a lift back to his truck, allow him into the building lobby without caution let alone upstairs in my apartment, and the Superintendant knows to NOT allow anyone in on my behalf, if I don't answer my buzzer. I would feel no more in danger than I did in a parking lot overrun with people in the daylight, and I never have my cell phone.


First clue, and I tallied them after that...
I looked like his mother! OMG
That's up there with "If I tell you you have a beautiful body, will you hold it against me?"
The 'funny' thing here was that I reminded him of his mother. He is a darkish French Canadian and my colouring is fair from a red-headed family  No way could I resemble his mother.
my daughter has the very same colouring as his, because of her Native Canadian ancestry on her father's side, almost black hair, dark brown eyes and the naturally olive skin, (as do her 2 younger children.)

(Now there is a mistake in thinking that escaped me until yesterday)

YAY! I spotted my first real 'con' since leaving the N, 6 ½ years ago: been playing it safe, cards close to the vest.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 02:39:29 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"