Hey Everyone,
I spoke to my son more when he was home from work. He is very very Angry.
His f walked into his job. His boss knows about him through talk from my son (the truth). He did not identify himself he asked if a D works there. The boss said yes but was not here. He handed hm a card and asked if he would give it to D. He said You have a nice Place here, thank you goodbye. The boss looked him over not recognizing him as a customer and when my son came in he let him sit get comfortable and said there was person who came in and left this for you. I think it might have been your F I will do whatever you want me to do...What do you need me to do...I will tell him you quit. He opened the card and sure was his F.
The card had the money in it an a letter. It went like this.....
I have always thought of you and your sister. I got wind that you may be working here and hoped to God it was you. How funny right before your birthday I was lead here so here is a little money to have fun with. $200. I will not talk about anything in this letter but ask that you may want to talk to me and will understand if you decline or do not respond. I do hope we can get together. Your aunts and uncle's and cousin's would like to all get together. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda....and Then....
So I would like to have your address so I can leave you a nice little package when I'm gone (not that it's going to happen anytime soon)...
Have fun on your birthday and be safe...don't drink and drive...
So here is where my son's head is at....
He wants nothing to do with his F he never did. He assured me it is not out of anger because he was who he was and gone but he thinks he is pretty much Scum. He feels just because he is his natural F he owes him nothing. He is what he is and excepts that but wants nothing to do with him. Just because he is sick does not mean that he has to be around him because he is Dad...he does not have to talk, get to know, anything with him. He does not like him or anything who he is. He would not associate with another person like him and feels he does not have to just because he is his biological father.
He doesn't feel compassion for him or non compassion for him..he feels nothing. He does not care. He is a stranger to him and he never knew him that well. He knows his F plans and does everything carefully and thought out (con way) and it does not happen by accident that his F is smart and dark and evil. He is full of Shit and a manipulator, con man, and trying to control and all of the crap was in the above letter ..on first contact from him..
He See's right through him and his words. He knows who and what he is and is Frankly Pissed that he even showed up or thought he could but understands that is just the way he is...and not acceptable.
And yes gjazz....he feels and thinks the same as you..
He wants an unequal playing field, he tried to put your son in a position where he couldn't respond angrily without making a personal scene at his place of employment, something nobody wants to do.
He is enforcing a No Contact with all of them ...he will enforce it like you said Hops...Dropping a ton of Bricks if needed....
He is clear, he is forefull and he will stop it. The money is going back, the contact is being stopped even with the rest of the family, and if needed he will take it further if his F comes around again...
He never had him in his life with the Craziness and he won't let it in now....As an adult who is enforcing his Own NO CONTACT...
He is disgusted.
He does not want this toxic/Sick crap in his life. He does not want to reconnect with the rest of the family either. He thinks they are strange at how pushy they are and he feels like he was set up and trapped from his uncle who revealed where he worked.
Bottom line....he can't be bothered by this shit...and he won't be.
So that is where it is at now.
I think my son has just been first handed...Slimed...like we all have felt when directly hit.
I do think he is going to have up and down emotions though but will work through them. He is a smart, right on, strong Kid but slimed...just when he is trying to figure out his own life, what he wants to be, where he wants to be.....and this ...
He'll be alright...but we all know how it feels and he is so ahead of the game and smarter then I was and Stopping it Dead...Not allowed into MY LIFE...
Hopefully it all just goes away again when there is no response.