I usually read Mystery/suspense books, but accidentally picked up a Romance, from the Library.
The blurb on the back was about a family of psychics and how ancestors had clashed and the clashing was occurring into the present day. A mother and her triplets who were being stalked and their lives in danger. Viking heritage.
Well!!!!! Leona meets a man, Owen, who was Native American and Viking heritage and he was so perfect and functional, and sexual. Tall dark handsome, always said and did the right thing. Protected her, yet she was bull-headed too and she was protecting him---re these curses.
I ended up depressed about life, for the first in a long time and finally traced that depression to this book. Now I wonder if all the romance novels etc. that I read in my much younger years gave me a false impression about men being so ‘perfect’. Owen was so ‘perfect’ that I just longed to have had a relationship with someone like him.
Let’s just say that the men we read about on this board would not make the hero status in a romance novel.
So as CB wonders, Are there any ‘functional people’ ? outside of fairy tales and some author’s romantic imagination? (When I think about that, I have to say, 'Not likely'!)
That’s why I choose to not read Romance--I relate better to my Mystery/suspense where the Detectives or the P. I.'s drink too much, sleep in their clothes and hardly have time to shave.