hi tayI am not in favour of any holday, but Xmas makes me think of N ex son-in-law
more than anyone else, as to why I just don't care for
any holiday.
In the area of 1987-1990 Xmases, he and my D would come to town to shop, drop the one kid or 2 kids off with me, (2 in '89) and be on their own. At shopping's end, the first time, I had a roast pork dinner ready for them, and they all ate heartily before returning to their cold one-roomed cabin, where the woodstove had burned out of wood, food to prepare by candle light and cold cold cold. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
A couple of weeks later they required another shopping trip. I was left with the children, prepared a great dinner (one can always intake the aromas even in the hallway of an apt. building) and when they came in the door,
his insufferable holyness ordered the kids
immediately dressed, no allowance of words from me for staying for dinner, that was ready (you see? I suppose I 'controlled' that situation once.. and once too many)
into their winter coats etc., and
out, out, out the door, just for them all to drive home to what I mentioned previously--- cold, dark, no meal ready-- while I had enough for all, and hot and ready.
After that, they never came at Xmas so I stopped decorating and haven't decorated since!
This year I just sent my daughter a box, with about 8 photograph albums, from her years ages 6 through 18/19 and she already has the ones of mine after that (as well as her baby album up to her 6th birthday, and I was still in hospital) along with the kids'. I added a good book, 2 good DVDs, a crocheted bedcover she always wanted, that I made for her many years ago, but it didn't suit the farm life. I cannot bear to throw it away. I said it was up to her what she did with it, tablecloth? knows someone who would like a ¾ bed cover? (her idea from when she had a ¾ bed at home with me.), a set of 2 decks of StarWars playing cards, for a special game I taught her, an honest to god barnacle from the Pacific Ocean that I found in 1998 (looked great with my bathroom knick-knacks) and 3 lovely leatherette picture frames that she gave to me with the kids' pictures many years ago, like 11?, as I know she has the same and can now match more pictures to hers with my frames.
Cost was only $50.21 for door To door Express, 2000 miles.
I hope she approves. I did not feel Xmasy, just that I was giving her things that I hoped she would enjoy.
We are entitled to our own feelings for our own reasons, and I now seldom think of ex SIL--he was just the begiinning of "Me -No -Likee-Hollidays!"
do your own thing!
(happy scroogedaze!)