Author Topic: HSP="Highly Sensitive Person"  (Read 1474 times)


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HSP="Highly Sensitive Person"
« on: November 04, 2008, 08:50:14 PM »
Hi all

A new 'label', if you will

In communication with D, she spotted something and sent me this book. I am thrilled and am just on Ch. 2 but this label puts many things into a positive perspective for me.

Want to try? Go to that site and there is a link to the test. I have 19 TRUE. Try it for your spouse and/or children.

This throws a different light on Startling Easily (PTSD), wanting to be alone, unsocialable (AvPD), not liked being watched when performing a duty (I am not a typist. I tell people "Please just let me type and I will fix the errors." First error, watching the monitor, they are all over me ...because is becasue and is nad and the is teh. I would sock 'em in the jaw if I were a violent person.)

This is under study now for a little over 10 years, but Abe Lincoln was an HSP.

I think the test speaks for itself, about how different areas of oneself, heretofore felt to be faulty, are not, and that there is room for HSPs in this life, as we are more sensitive than the risk-talkng non-HSPs. Most of my traits now make sense.  I was really touched, in the heart, not  'tetched' in the head, when this gift arrived from my daughter.

I am:

Izzy Mo.M  Hs.P

« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 08:54:03 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: HSP="Highly Sensitive Person"
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 08:20:47 AM »




lots of love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: HSP="Highly Sensitive Person"
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2009, 04:55:46 PM »
Hi all, and thanks Hops,

I am still iinto this book and I found one page, which I quickly scanned, so it is a bit messy (didn't want to break the book's spine) but I can really read myself into this one page.

I posted it here:

I now want to go through the book again and jot down individual points.

I see here how the author allows (for me) to set myself aside from the rest of the dysfunction and not become messed up in it, and to be curious and to want my own answers. (I LOVE that "but in your own way....." sentence, as that was the only way for me.)

On New Year's Day, my brother called me from eldest sister's place. We had a good chat, then younger sister came on the line and we had a good chat. I was sipping lunch, vegetable soup from a mug, and happy, while they had probably overloaded on a turkey lunch, or were ready to/dinner  (1:30 here and 4:30 pm there)

As she and I were closing down, I said that there was no need for me to speak to the other two (the 2 eldest sisters), that I was going to reheat my soup and watch a TV show.

I recall being young and very enmeshed (about them I don't know...I just wanted attention and love, I thought.) with all my siblings and now have amended my thinking.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"