Author Topic: I always fail my daughter...............  (Read 1364 times)


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I always fail my daughter...............
« on: March 23, 2009, 07:36:02 PM »

She now has a website and sent its URL to MANY friends, asking them to click on it as many times as possible to make it popular    .....    even set it as their home page.

I wrote to her and I very nicely told her about one I built that the name was so popular theirs would never hit the front page of Googlein a million years.  I had asked the President and members to do the same thing, and I set it as my home page.


The secret for a well known name, i.e. COLT...thats a horse, that's a gun, whatever and they take up 2-3-4-5 pages.

Hynotherapy is all over the place. That is hers.

What I did with COLT, real name in the invisible <title> picked up by search engines, was to add something very unique to their area and within a week I had them in the first Google page. I also used words that were close to the front of the alphabet!

So I suggested this to her, being that the Board of COLT had gone through the same thing. I gave her examples,

and she has done nothing and has not responded.

COLT was so grateful that this worked and they are now first page Google, and I see she hasn't changed a thing.

Opinions. ???????????????????????????????

I just feel so sad and useless and.......... angry too.........I just emailed her to say I was sorry for interfering and I would bow out!

EDIT] When you are on a website, click on View menu, then choose Source! You will see the <title> NEAR THE TOP </title> so that means Google would search for NEAR THE TOP----if I put my NAME in there, I might come up first on the first page on Google, as my name is so different from Jones or Smith.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 07:42:11 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I always fail my daughter...............
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 01:56:13 AM »
Oh Izzy,

You gave your D some good information to get her web page popular.  What she does with it she does with it.  The only thing that might fail is the popularity of her web page.

Why do you think you failed her because she didn't take your suggestion?  That does not mean you are useless it just means she wants to do her own thing.  You had a connection (your knowledge) Oh I can help and Ya did.  It's there in her email for her in case it does not work out how she wants it to. 

She should acknowledge a Thanks Mom, at least. Or her underwear is tied up in a knot over you even Offering your Knowledge. Mine do the same and then at other times they have driven out (flat tire) and my husband fixed it to drive all the way back to say...Thank You and other times.....I could sell my left kidney and nothing.

The only thing I can see here that failed is her Thanks Mom..I'll think about it.  Nothing else Iz.  Her Thing. 

Don't be sad.  You did help her and don't be so sure that it will not be used if all else fails her way...She wants it popular and her way..if not I'm sure she'll resort to your information.

Useless??? Geeze'on now.  Never.



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Re: I always fail my daughter...............
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2009, 08:07:55 AM »
Hey Iz.

I have a very creative daughter - the tattoo artist who also makes quilts (go figure THAT combination).

I'm always finding ideas, suggestions for her and passing them on and like your situation, sometimes she does nothing with it. But it's not my failure. I do recognize that she knows her path better than I do - even if I know my experience makes me "right" about something. Sometimes she acknowledges it; sometimes she doesn't; and sometimes it's just a matter of waiting... till she gets there. And sometimes, I'm flat out wrong!

I discovered once, while doing this, that what was important in the process was me making that connection to her - for myself... it really didn't matter how she responded to the idea/suggestion itself. Something I ran across in my life, reminded me of her... and I'd save the picture or article to give her... sort of a way to say: see, I think you about all the time... even though you're far away. For me, these things are just me missing her. Wanting the collaboration we'd indulge in - and still do - when we have time to spend together.

She's at the point, where she is driving her own life and path. And while I really like the times I get to walk along with her - she's got the wheel. So I just let her drive without being a nervous nelly... after all - I taught her how. And when she needs directions, I'm there - or at least I HOPE I'm there!  LOL!

PATIENCE... she just might be really busy and tired right now.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: I always fail my daughter...............
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2009, 08:16:51 PM »
Oh Izzy.... I'm relieved you didn't actually fail her.

You just gave her something she maybe didn't ask for.

Advice is a funny thing.

Even people who ask for it..... usually don't don't take it.: /

Try not to get upset and remember you told her how to solve her problem.

That's not a bad thing.


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Re: I always fail my daughter...............
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 03:37:29 AM »

Where are you.  I am missing you. 
