Thanks changing,
I answered you in one post:
My bed is not made. I lay down a folded cotton sheet, have 3 bed pillows in cases, and 3 smaller pillows for inserting between my knees/thighs for turning/transferring. I have 2 elastic bandages , one is to wrap around my ankle and pull with one hand, as I push with the other. The other is to stretch wrap the groin area to more firmness in swelling to prevent the pain of transfer. These are my inventions and work well when alone. I remove them after the transfer is made and it still hurts but not the same as trying to move the leg flapping in the wind........and I have but one old blanket for the top.. one that does not weigh like a bag of cement.This is MY choice for my bed for now! MY choice, as the less to tangle with the better. Why have her make it from a fitted sheet on up to my bedspread that weighs 50#?
If I had a top sheet, a couple of quilts and my heavy bedspread, my leg does not have the strength (without excessive steady pain to untangle) to get out from under. This also temporary.
She was only too happy to comply and did not note that I refused to have my bed made properly.I am not paying a thing. ICBC, the driver's and my Insurance Co, pays for all this, on his account I suppose.
I have Tena underwear for overnight, and I have the bathing wipes. I bought those, as my choice, before.
'We Care' is paid by ICBC and have worked out a workable routine. I am a sudden insert to the client list, whoever pays, and this was Good Friday but i still had a Caregiver and all went well. Remember when I left the apt for the meeting, I expected to return. I had laundry to do, left computer on, a nightie soaking in the sink...this and other things were beyond me when I came home.
Insert: (There is a girl in my building who uses them regularly, once a week, and is likely paid for through whatever deals with Cerebral Palsy.)
(George turned off my computer...maybe you missed about John telling me that my old collapsable chair does not collapse? He had my keys to come here and get my chair for me for the hospital and I told him it was collapsable. He disagreed. I had already said that it had a cushion with a board and to remove the cushion, and give the bottom of the seat a sharp upward knock with the side of his hand. Well John has memory problems, so forgot, and brought George and a toolbox. OMG! so George saw the sight of my place too.)
Hope it feels good to have the fresh sheets and bed made up, etc
It will when I have equal painless strength in my injured leg. A broken femur and a corner knocked off the hip bone? I don't know how long. In the meantime I have a cotton sheet under me, and a quilt over me and can manipulate the one cover when I have to continue to adjust the position of my leg. I might take 20 minutes, because healing has been such that what worked last night might not work tonight!
ICBC pays for the replacement chair. A Personal Injury Clain will be in the works when I hear back from a call, or choose another lawyer to call. He will have to get details by phone or have to look at me in a nightgown with a fancy flannel shirt and an elastic bandage scarf if he visits personally.
Dear changing: we all have different, yet the same, needs regardless and right now I need to be covered at night but not with anything heavy and tucked in. I am spread over the whole bed and should I dampen a sheet, I toss it and grab another to lay down, not scramble around to fit 4 corners.
I suggested no bath for her first visit as I stated above. I could have had it, but chose to give up that time so she could clean the bathroom , do the laundry, do the shopping, take out the garbage, clean the commode and she once stopped to gently take me over the lip to the balcony. I can still do the mini wash and routine will settle in with a regular. This girl gave up her holiday Friday for me, then another client.
I just
now discovered a new way to sit iin the chair and be comfortable without pressure on the bad hip/thigh.
Thanks for your kind thoughts
All is well.
OMG a P. S. I want my privacy and I have given up a lot of it in these past 3 weeks and everybody has seen everything I own. My hospital roommates were men...and I saw some old wrinkled weenies. The Gowns might be the size of tents, but if they didn't keep their knees together...well men don't care!
I sure don't need a daily and end up in the booby hatch. I value my solitude.