Author Topic: Question...  (Read 1877 times)


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« on: April 11, 2009, 12:21:31 AM »
"We Care", Sandra came today.

I happened to have such little sleep last night that at 8:30 I was awake anyway and got up to pee. Now I've told you about my slow painful transfers. Then she arrived and the first was to help me with a full bed bath (once a week).  I do general basin washing in between.

(I told her that when she heard a moose roar, it was just a stab of pain.)

I suggested that because she was new and I was so far behind, that we not, because of time constraints. and I would begin next week with the the regular, Christina, who will come 1:30-3:30 Tuesdays and 8:30-10:30 Thursdays. I expect Thursday will be the full bed bath day, I realized later, but I can deal with minor basin crap.  {{EDIT IN}}--just realized I will have more control on the pee the bed during bath time if we use 1:30 time as I'm always in a nightgown...for now anyway.... OMG what if Christina wants "see my body" earlier}}

My bathroom was a mess, laundry to be done, shopping, cleaned the commode (but I can transfer in the bathroom eh?) garbage taken down, mail brought up, and the 2 hour sessions are always 15 minutes short, to allow for travelling time.

As it was, here at 9:00 wrote her report and left at 11:20, not 10:45, then she took my bills to be mailed and Library books and went on to next appointment.

I read her remarks and she used the word "refused" a bath. I added in brackets ("I suggested none because of time constraints") I hope I am not in trouble as being uncooperative!

The bathroom will not always take as long, laundry will since it is timed, no bed to make (as I explained in another thread) not as big a shopping as today, and once Christina is here once, we will get a routine. I think I was fair, especially to the next client.

What say anybody?

« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 12:32:39 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Question...
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 12:51:19 AM »

You were right! If only I could be as smart as you are!
I was in the hospital for the second operation-there was  a hole completely through my heel, no bone and no flesh, just steel and grafts. For some reason they put me in a room with a lady with a resistant infection. I was chosen for the experimental surgery in part because of my motivation and cooperativeness- However, I did not want to be transferred out of bed into a wheelchair, would not permit a pillow to be replaced on my bed after it dropped, etc and I explained why in great detail...the physical therapist only noted in CAPITAL LETTERS that I "refused", not about the possible contagion- though I suppose that I could somehow prove who was in the room with me, etc. if need be... I wasn't aware of his notes until much later when I got copies of the charts for legal reasons.
I'm glad that I "refused"- had I have contracted an infection ( which was possible at any rate given my condition), I would most likely have faced an amputation- this was drummed into me even before the surgery...and with a resistant strain of infection, things could be much worse.
You should have gotten proper care and a bath- her first visit to a new client should always be scheduled with some extra time... You are in pain and need help, yet are more considerate than the person who was sent to care for you. Seems like she was doing some CYA at your expense- you gave her a gentle nudge and hopefully she will learn from it.
Can you get some of those thick bathing wipes? They smell quite nice and are very refreshing and cleansing between baths. Hope it feels good to have the fresh sheets and bed made up, etc., and that you are getting some delicious and healthy food...Hope you get some major REM sleep now !!!

Bless You,


P.S. Perhaps you might talk to your lawyer- a daily home care service might be arranged, etc to be paid for by the person who caused your injury...

Love You,

« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 01:06:36 AM by changing »


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Re: Question...
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2009, 01:41:42 AM »
Thanks changing,
I answered you in one post:

My bed is not made. I lay down a folded cotton sheet, have 3 bed pillows in cases, and 3 smaller pillows for inserting between my knees/thighs for turning/transferring.  I have 2 elastic bandages , one is to wrap around my ankle and pull with one hand, as I push with the other. The other is to stretch wrap the groin area to more firmness in swelling to prevent the pain of transfer.  These are my inventions and work well when alone. I  remove them after the transfer is made and it still hurts but not the same as trying to move the leg flapping in the wind........and I have but one old blanket for the top.. one that does not weigh like a bag of cement.

This is MY choice for my bed for now! MY choice, as the less to tangle with the better. Why have her make it from a fitted sheet on up to my bedspread that weighs 50#?
If I had a top sheet, a couple of quilts and my heavy bedspread, my leg does not have the strength (without excessive steady pain to untangle) to get out from under. This also temporary.
She was only too happy to comply and did not note that I refused to have my bed made properly.

I am not paying a thing. ICBC, the driver's and my Insurance Co, pays for all this, on his account I suppose.

I have Tena underwear for overnight, and I have the bathing wipes. I bought those, as my choice, before.

'We Care' is paid by ICBC and have worked out a workable routine.  I am a sudden insert to the client list, whoever pays, and this was Good Friday but i still had a Caregiver and all went well. Remember when I left the apt for the meeting, I expected to return. I had laundry to do, left computer on, a nightie soaking in the sink...this and other things were beyond me when I came home.

Insert: (There is a girl in my building who uses them regularly, once a week, and is likely paid for through whatever deals with Cerebral Palsy.)

(George turned off my computer...maybe you missed about John telling me that my old collapsable chair does not collapse? He had my keys to come here and get my chair for me for the hospital and I told him it was collapsable. He disagreed. I had already said that it had a cushion with a board and to remove the cushion, and give the bottom of the seat a sharp upward knock with the side of his hand. Well John has memory problems, so forgot, and brought George and a toolbox. OMG! so George saw the sight of my place too.)

Hope it feels good to have the fresh sheets and bed made up, etc
It will when I have equal painless strength in my injured leg. A broken femur and a corner knocked off the hip bone? I don't know how long.  In the meantime I have a cotton sheet under me, and a quilt over me and can manipulate the one cover when I have to continue to adjust the position  of my leg. I might take 20 minutes, because healing has been such that what worked last night might not work tonight!

ICBC pays for the replacement chair. A Personal Injury Clain will be in the works when I hear back from a call, or choose another lawyer to call. He will have to get details by phone or have to look at me in a nightgown with a fancy flannel shirt and an elastic bandage scarf if he visits personally.

Dear changing: we all have different, yet the same, needs regardless and right now I need to be covered at night but not with anything heavy and tucked in. I am spread over the whole bed and should I dampen a sheet, I toss it and grab another to lay down, not scramble around to fit 4 corners.

I suggested no bath for her first visit as I stated above. I could have had it, but chose to give up that time so she could clean the bathroom , do the laundry, do the shopping, take out the garbage, clean the commode and she once stopped to gently take me over the lip to the balcony. I can still do the mini wash and routine will settle in with a regular. This girl gave up her holiday Friday for me, then another client.

I just now discovered a new way to sit iin the chair and be comfortable without pressure on the bad hip/thigh.

Thanks for your kind thoughts
All is well.

OMG a P. S.  I want my privacy and I have given up a lot of it in these past 3 weeks and everybody has seen everything I own. My hospital roommates were men...and I saw some old wrinkled weenies. The Gowns might be the size of tents, but if they didn't keep their knees together...well men don't care!

I sure don't need a daily and end up in the booby hatch. I value my solitude.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 12:35:55 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Question...
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2009, 02:29:36 AM »
WOW- Looks like you have it all covered (except the ex-roommates' nether regions)!!! I am glad that you figured out a way to sit in the chair in comfort.
I guess I was too hard on Sandra- she certainly could have "written you up" for more infractions  :lol: :lol: :lol:!!!! But truly, I am taken aback by my native stupidity and learn a great deal from your fair and evenhanded manner regarding the driver and Sandra, especially when you noted that "The girl gave up her holiday Friday (to fit you in her schedule)" You are not a doormat or a hothead - but a gracious person to the core.

Now to bed and get that REM sleep!!!!




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Re: Question...
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2009, 04:50:22 AM »
Izzy, I am mentally in your apartment making you comfortable.

I don't know how but I am determined!

Maybe I'm putting a goldfish in a bowl (that you'll never have to clean) by your monitor to watch, soothing...

Maybe I'm singin' you country tunes about young jerks in cars who think the road is a paper plate for their piles of fries-for-brains...

Maybe I'm meditating with you, both of us OHHHMMMMMing so loudly the shingles lift off the roof of the building a few inches, flip over to reveal pink and blue and gold and green and purple and indigo undersides and then land again, so all the world at a single glance can see the truth that this building houses a magical, warrior, wonderful spirit who brings color and life and power and wonder to the struggles of every moment...

with admiration, comfort, deserve so much more,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Question...
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2009, 09:02:55 AM »
Oh Hops

I just had to get up to talke a T3, pain, and can sit a bit.

You are such a joy! Thank you for all your marvelous words.  I believe I was trying to get this point over to my sister that care and support does not have to be monetary. It can be sincere words like yours to know that someone knows your struggle and cares.

I awoke from a pain dream. They are weird. Now the way to stop the pain is to inch clockwise all around the bed and sing "Show Me The Way To Go Home" and when you have gone full circle the pain will be gone. So I awakened to my singing this out loud, and 'inching'. Finally awakened where I was , and got up.

Just a wee moment to let it take effect then back to bed, but then, every day is going to be different 'Twas only 5:19 and now 5:58 am and that comprised finishing my song and awakening enough to get up and out to this room.

I wonder if I was loud enough for my neighbour to hear?


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Question...
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2009, 11:17:43 AM »
Oh Lordy, Izz.

Your poor leg.... rubbing on wheel with everything else.

Sounds like you've got your routine down to basic easiest minimum.

Having loose sheets available and easily replaced is very good idea.

Nice to hear your laundry and cleaning are caught up...... whatever makes you feel best is right.


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Re: Question...
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2009, 01:10:32 PM »
thankns and I'm glad you understand the loose top cover

She was only too happy to comply and did not note that I refused to have my bed made properly.

See? So I can connect the two instances (bath and bed) and ask, 'What is different in the two?

Wow sleepy again! Go lie down!

Love Izzy

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Question...
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2009, 05:18:32 PM »
Mary Jjo, Physio was here today and I explained my bath refusal and she is okay with my explanation and that in no way am I uncooperative.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Question...
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2009, 07:01:25 PM »
I'm glad she understood...... sorry you worried about it.


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Re: Question...
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2009, 11:35:25 PM »

Hi Iz,

You gave me the best laugh of the week telling about your roomies and their 'immodesty'.   Thanks.

Love your stories as always.

BTW, T3 may cause you to have unusual dreams.

I loved your story about the We Care lady.  Was it Sandra?  I expect you were a bright spot in her day.
