Author Topic: Even if only one, everyone ought to be sent something like this when still alive  (Read 1778 times)


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From my niece to me for my 70th

Hi Auntie Iz!


And what a fantastic life.   With your permission, I’d like to indulge in a few minutes of reflection at what I appreciate about you.

1. FUN: 
Fond memories of sleepovers at your house.  You took us to MacDonalds (a rare treat for us) and we watched Terror on the 40th Floor and made jokes about all the commercials which focused on barbecues and frying chicken and all sorts of things that just seemed crazily inappropriate in a movie about a fire.

Looking through photo albums and hearing your stories and memories about life on the farm and childhood.  They were the same as my mom’s, but different, because you were older and we all hold different memories and see events from different perspectives.

You always kept at a job through all the years.  Actually, all of you 'kids' have done that.  You are not the type to wait for others to do things you can do yourself.

And not just paying jobs.  You gave of yourself with volunteer jobs. 

Remember having us chant “Owa tanna siam” slowly at first and then faster and faster, till the sentence changed?

Sharing perspectives on Another World and Y and R.  Having you as the most knowledgeable source ever to catch me up on the years I missed on Another World.

Having the privilege of knowing what someone with a disability CAN do, as opposed to can’t.  I remember A. telling me about you going out and cutting the grass, for example.  And I remember you dancing in your chair and taking the stairs down in your chair faster than I was able to run down them.
The way you found a new interest to become passionate about later in life – your music.  (There is a song on CMT that when I hear it reminds me of one of your songs – it’s something to do with the melody.)

The way you packed up and headed west.  I have heard that the adventures have not all been happy ones out there, and am so glad that you got yourself extricated from Bob (I think that was his name), but ultimately you moved away and carved out a new life for yourself at a time in life when many people are afraid to make changes.  You got yourself out a situation which many women can’t, and then you proceeded to move forward.  Mom told me what a lovely place you live in and much she and Uncle W. enjoyed seeing you the summer they went horseback riding.

You chose to live with Joe, the man you loved, and have a committed relationship and beautiful baby at a time when it just wasn’t done.  For this last, I thank you so much.  You cleared a path that has given me and others options to the traditional path.  You and I have never spoken about it, but I am sure that couldn’t have been easy at that time in history.   

All of these are just tidbits to say that I am honoured to be your niece.  I am amazed at what you have accomplished.  You have faced setbacks that have felled other individuals and you have moved on with grace, pride, and humour.  I admire your ability to be a little scandalous and to take risks.  To break out of the box and make your own way. 

So, happy birthday, and thank you for being my aunt.

Love, Janet

PS.  I have heard about your terrible accident and I am glad that you are back home.  But in the above note, I wanted to focus on the joy of your specialness.  May you heal smoothly and then enjoy more delightful adventures than those that involve ambulence trips and surgeries.

I love you, Aunt Iz

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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oh my heart melts...what a beautiful thing to do for you!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Wow, Izz.....

that was a very special BD gift. 


Happy Birthday, ((dear friend.))


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Perfect, Iz.... I hope you're basking!

Now, I know you'll be better soon... and celebrating your birthday, maybe with a "cold one" when you're off the antibiotics & pain killers, huh?
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Happy Birthday Iz,

Loved it!!!



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 I am glad you had that kindness and warmth from your niece, Izzy. It feels so nice to be appreciated . 
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Deb and Ami

Thank you for your comments. This is something I never had the privilege of ever knowing, seeing, receiving, hearing......... about me.

That niece is 9 months older than my D....and her sister is 9 months younger. (Sshe wrote to me as well.) Those 3 were likely the closest of all cousins, and I remember what she is talking about. I expect if we could extend ourselves that way to someone 'in need' of a boost, we could come up with some wonderful things to say about the last 45 years and just make someone's day! She is a teacher.

She and her husband came to visit me years ago, so he and I could meet and then they lived together, had 4 children and married finally after being together 7 years. That was really neat how she pointed out that I was a Trailblazer, and not how some people of the time saw this situation....AND mentioned that we never talked about it.

I suppose anyone could tell with that post that I don't receive things very often.... and then I go overboard to post it here. A sure sign that I'm still somewhat insecure and I have to let everyone know that someone, somewhere, likes me~~~~shades of Sally Field and her Oscar!

I was late filing my Tax Return this year....the first ever! I did it earlier and am so glad to have it done. I don't pay any taxes, so no late filing charges, just in my own head.

I am doing a very slow crawl  in my healing...could be up to a year! ARGGGHHH!

Thanks again
Love Izzy

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Hi Iz,

Love you. 

What a lovely birthday tribute from your niece.

How fortunate she is to know you in 3D. 



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I get it, Izzz...and the fact that you still feel a little insecure sometimes doesn't make you ONE BIT less deserving of liking, love, affection, and support.

They ain't related--insecurity and reality.

You have the worth you were born with, all of it.

love you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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(((Izzy))  You're so worthy of admiration and affection.

I'm glad you niece took the time to really think about you, put it in writing and take the time to send it.

I bet she had no idea what an amazing gift this would turn out too be.

Thanks for sharing it here...... though we already know how resiliant and incredible you are.

It's nice to see other people notice too: )



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thanks Folks,

She and her sister are the two I chose to write to about the hallucenogenic side of this experience, since my boss John called them "childish imaginings". So I quit.

She replied, in part:
Your memories of the hospital experience are a fascinating read that take me down corridors with you that come to dead ends, twist into new environments, and go from bizarre to scary to weird and then back again.  The closest I can come to imagining it is to think of strange dreams I've had, but then I've been able to wake up and readjust.  I cannot fathom how you dealt with it when you were trapped there with no ability to "wake up" from it.  You write well, Auntie Iz, and this would make a fabulous psychological mystery/thriller, don't you think?  The audience wouldn't know what was real or imagined. 
I, myself, am truly amazed at my memory of conversations that never happened, how even in this twilight world, I knew my brain was strong enough to tell me there were parts that couldn't be was drugs, anesthetic, etc.

I also recall the most outlandish things that I said, for real, to  attendants, before I allowed my brain to put it into the proper category.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Keep working on your book, Izzy.\

Imagine how helpful it would be..... and interesting: )
