No lightbulb, Dawning....
Just so much stress and exhaustion and pain (TOO much, I let it go too far, out of my obedient codependent dutiful-daughter training)...
I began to feel my own life and health slipping away.
I finally got angry and took back my responsibility for my life.
I began to see that even though there are a zillion things to "blame" -- it had to stop.
I realized she'd taken too much but only because I kept giving it.
I had the information about narcissism. It was obvious my brother was a monster.
I was living out a vow, sort of, that I'd made to my father to take care of her.
What I had to do was recognize that I was not supported, by family, even enough by friends, by culture. Our culture does not give daughters permission to care about themselves. (Some do, some are Ns, of course--but in general, I believe I was programmed to be Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, and Cinderella.)
At some point my own stubborn pysche yelled at me loudly enough that I realized how deeply I was taken for granted and how minimally my mother was concerned about how I would live once she was gone.
It wasn't instant, but one day I got very very angry with her. I blew up (which I regret, but that's the result of playing "good" for so many years that you stuff your own vital self into a cage).
After that, it was never the same. I still was compassionate, did my duty, and even loved her. But I never again felt I OWED this to family.
The rest, I just endured. I was too far into my commitment and I would see it through.
But the shape of it changed. The guilt was gone. The sense that I was never servant enough.
I was, and then some. I gave more than I should have, were I being responsible for my own precious life.
I still have trouble taking my own life seriously enough to take care of myself and my future.
I am still healing.
I am so glad that my family is over, except for my daughter.
I do NOT miss it.
There is nothing there to yearn for. My chosen family, the UU church, is the safe place where I will grow old and be cared about.