Dear Jan
Understanding N's is an evolving process, in my experience. As I grow, I can handle the truth of N's better. Vaknin's book Malignant Self Love explains N's better than anything I have ever read. It is an expensive book(45 dollars)but worth every penny of it. For me, all the other N books were baby food. Vaknin told it as it is--ugly, cold and hard. That is how N's are so why pussyfoot around with euphemisms as the other books did.
N's do not feel empathy so they can do what they please never realizing that they are hurting a flesh and blood person---you.
Empathy changes how we react to people. We can understand how our actions wound others. They do not see this.
It is a dead spot.
I asked "Why" so many times with my M.
Vaknin helped me the most.
It is awful, (((Jan)))). There is no way around that. Love to you, Ami