The worst kind is the one that makes it look like you have a good relationship in public....then tears you to shreds in private. The one that divides you from anyone that could see through this thin veil so you have no support, the one that won't love you and convinces you that no one else will either, so you marry the same type of person in hopes of curing them with love because you didn't do it right the first time. The one that treats you just well enough that you think they are OK, then attacks fully...and it's all your fault. The one that has one as a parent and hated it, then turns around and does it all over again to their children and can't see themselves doing it. The one that makes up stories to make them look good and you better agree or else! I could go on and on with this question, thanks for asking, felt kinda good to vent. You only understand if you have been through this, I don't get on here much, but when I am having a nobody understands day it sure does help! Thanks for all of your helpful posts, it's a blessing to know that I am not alone, although I wish no one would have to deal with this. It is helping me to heal.