Author Topic: The WORST Type of NParents.  (Read 2742 times)


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The WORST Type of NParents.
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:26:05 PM »
What do you think is the WORST type of Nparents?  I have a few ideas.

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 12:56:59 PM »
The worst kind is the one that makes it look like you have a good relationship in public....then tears you to shreds in private. The one that divides you from anyone that could see through this thin veil so you have no support, the one that won't love you and convinces you that no one else will either, so you marry the same type of person in hopes of curing them with love because you didn't do it right the first time. The one that treats you just well enough that you think they are OK, then attacks fully...and it's all your fault. The one that has one as a parent and hated it, then turns around and does it all over again to their children and can't see themselves doing it. The one that makes up stories to make them look good and you better agree or else! I could go on and on with this question, thanks for asking, felt kinda good to vent. You only understand if you have been through this, I don't get on here much, but when I am having a nobody understands day it sure does help! Thanks for all of your helpful posts, it's a blessing to know that I am not alone, although I wish no one would have to deal with this. It is helping me to heal.


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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 02:38:58 PM »
You're absolutely right!  This board is a good place to help heal!  At times I get SO ANGRY when I see Ns that remind me of NWomb-Donor!  I just saw one on television this afternoon!  I wanted to belt her one!  This IS a good place to vent!

« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 02:40:57 PM by BonesMS »
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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 02:46:33 PM »
Thanks Bones,

I go through times that I feel sorry for them, that they can't or won't be " REAL". But I have come to know that it doesn't long as they get what they want from someone, someone to listen to their lies and believe them, that's all they care about, I try not to let it hurt, cause it just don't matter does it?


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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 03:10:56 PM »
Thanks Bones,

I go through times that I feel sorry for them, that they can't or won't be " REAL". But I have come to know that it doesn't long as they get what they want from someone, someone to listen to their lies and believe them, that's all they care about, I try not to let it hurt, cause it just don't matter does it?

I understand.  I try not to let it hurt me and yet, when I see them hurt another innocent child, especially a helpless infant, I go off!!!  [Begin Vent]  The one I saw on TV this afternoon was taking care of a one-year-old baby boy when he died under her care.  This NSitter had the baby for 24 hours while the mother was dealing with a medical emergency with the baby's father at a hospital.  During this 24-hour period, the baby had been given enough oxycodone to kill an adult!  The NSitter failed TWO lie detector tests when she denied knowing anything about anything.  (The police are investigating the baby's death.)  I watched this N's behavior and body tears, no empathy when the baby's picture was shown, playing herself as THE victim instead of the baby, drama queen, gaslighting, etc., etc.  PURE N STUFF!

At one point, during the TV program, the host of the show sent the N backstage while he spoke with the mother of the murdered baby.  As soon as the N went backstage, she started screaming and carrying on because SHE felt SHE was ENTITLED to ALL of the attention.  The show's host went backstage and told her to shut up and stop acting the fool!  God bless him!  He saw right through her BS and knew what she was up to!  I hope the police lock up that NB soon so that she will NEVER hurt another child!!!!  [End Vent]

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 03:27:16 PM »
I'm with you on that...they can be scary people if your used to being abused by them, but grow a backbone and watch em tremble. Better yet keep your distants... halfway across the world sometimes doesn't seem far enough sometimes. I hate to see Innocent people suffer from these jerks.  Poor kid, makes you want to jump in that TV set and do the same to them doesn't it?

I wondered if you were looking for a medical term of some sort for the NParent, I have been trying to figure out what kind my M and H are and I go around in circles, seems they both have it all at some time or another, they are just very uncaring little children with the devil in their souls and they like it that way. That's all I know! I want to go past that now, cause it really doesn't matter, If we don't matter...why should they!!!!!!!! Yeah...nice feeling not to tremble for them!


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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 03:38:17 PM »
I'm with you on that...they can be scary people if your used to being abused by them, but grow a backbone and watch em tremble. Better yet keep your distants... halfway across the world sometimes doesn't seem far enough sometimes. I hate to see Innocent people suffer from these jerks.  Poor kid, makes you want to jump in that TV set and do the same to them doesn't it?

I wondered if you were looking for a medical term of some sort for the NParent, I have been trying to figure out what kind my M and H are and I go around in circles, seems they both have it all at some time or another, they are just very uncaring little children with the devil in their souls and they like it that way. That's all I know! I want to go past that now, cause it really doesn't matter, If we don't matter...why should they!!!!!!!! Yeah...nice feeling not to tremble for them!

Maybe sociopath or psychopath is too good a word for those kinds of demons!  And it's a GREAT feeling not to tremble for them anymore!!!!!

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2009, 09:25:33 AM »
More examples of the WORST type of NParents:

The NWomb-Donor of baby Caylee Anthony

The NWomb-Donor of the Smith baby boys who were drowned in a lake, strapped in their carseats.

The adoptive NWomb-Donor of a disabled girl, who was left to die of exposure and drowning, in the DC Metro area during the winter.

All of them initially lied about what happened to their innocent children but were eventually caught in their lies.  One is in prison, and the other two are in jail awaiting trial.  What REALLY frosted me was that when Caylee Anthony's funeral was taking place, her NWomb-Donor had the unmitigated gall to complain about the attention that poor baby was getting!  I hope she gets the maximum penalty for what she did to that innocent child!

I'm sure there are other examples.  I just can't think of them right now.

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2009, 09:49:43 AM »
Oh Bones. I did not know about Caylee's M. What the poor ,innocent child must have suffered. I am  glad I believe in an after life at times like this. Caylee is at peace ,now.    Ami
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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2009, 11:02:55 AM »
I agree that Caylee is at peace.  At the same time, I want JUSTICE!

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2009, 12:58:31 PM »
Last night, I was watching an old movie about Diane Downs, the NWomb-Donor who shot her three children, killing one of them and disabling the surviving two.  If Farrah Fawcett's portrayal of that NWitch was accurate, that NWitch needs to stay in prison until she ROTS!!!!  The court referred to her as a Narcissist!

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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2009, 04:44:16 PM »
Get, bones, ami, I gpt sick reading this post. You are so f@#$ing right!!!!!!!!!

Almost about to vomit.


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Re: The WORST Type of NParents.
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2009, 08:45:45 PM »
One of the lines from the movie stood out:  "She doesn't love, she DEVOURS!"  I thought to myself, "He's got THAT RIGHT regarding Narcissists!"

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