Author Topic: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain  (Read 3552 times)


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2009, 11:34:26 AM »
Hello farfaraway

I'm sorry for your trials these days. They are what we have to work through in our own way, in our own time, being honest to ourselves and true to ourselves. Having this forum is great for venting troubles, worries, gains and losses, backsliding, moves forward. It isn't any easy trip but you will make it.

I sometimes think I will never be without some negative thoughts but right now is 4 months to the day that, in my w'chair on a sidewalk, a car backed out the driveway & struck my chair toppling me and I landed on my left hip breaking the thigh bone and a corner from my hip. The physical pain was next to unbearable. I live alone so people come in to help, paid for by the driver's insurance. I haven't been on the board all that much I think because right now it is all me, and lack of sleep, and pain, and therapy, and pain and stretches and pain and constipation and pain.  I've just decided it isn't any fun anymore, or at all!

If I'm not in bed trying to sleep, where the pain is worse, I am sitting at the computer lost in my other world. One being reading about/watching videos on, conspiracy theories.
JFKs assassination
Moon landing,
RFK's Assassination
Deaths of Dorothy Kilgallen and Marilyn Monroe
and the talk of the North American Union, New World Order, One World Government, FEMA camps and coffins

I am just making myself aware, but some of it might be sinking in too much.

I can live but one day at a time and can fix nothing but me.

All I can offer at this time are a couple of truths? that I came across yesterday in videos.

What is your take on....?

The foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering?--Carl Jung


Letting go is the measure of ability, survivability, adaptability and flexability (He might have said adaptivity-----? but I changed it)

For me,#1 is that from when I was very young, I didn't feel my feelings and suffer them through---then (leading to #2) let them go and move on

--then I was "blindsided by a car" and am feeling sorry for myself for the (I think) first time and am not ashamed to say it! So in this instance, using physical suffering, I will see it through, and then move on again, and perhaps my bones and I will be all the stronger for it.

My general advice is for we who have suffered (legitimitely or unconciously), to have No Contact with anyone who is Narcissistic, or toxic, at any level. And to do that we must watch our boundaries and assert ourselves.  I wish I knew that when I was a little girl, and onward, only to find out in my old age that it works for me, and realized that there were some things I did right all along, not even knowing it.

So suffer it (think it) through, understand why it is happening, stop it from happening, and let it go (but it takes longer than just writing it down).

« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 11:37:56 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 02:49:17 PM »
The foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering?--Carl Jung


Letting go is the measure of ability, survivability, adaptability and flexability (He might have said adaptivity-----? but I changed it)


Wow!  That amazes me, all I can say about the first quote is, Carl Jung is right on!  Those that reach so far outside of themselves do not become aware of what is going on inside of them, well that is my take on it.  The one thing I can say is that, the truth inside of me that told me from the gut that these people, like my MOM, Daughter, Son In Law, Ex Husband, Mother In Law, Best Friends all deceived and all we corrupt.  But, that a little voice inside told me not to listen to me, that it is me who is the crazy one.  The Crazy in me, was all that...I did NOT want to be right, so I game the N's in my life chance after chance to prove myself wrong, after all it must have been me.  By doing so I cause myself to mentally ill, personified by the "victim me" or "scapegoat" for a very long time.  I know that this sounds like in my head, but I have connected my heart and head to this, idea.  To sum it up, I abandoned me, to search for acceptance, love through other people, people I wanted to trust cause they were all I had, but they were outside of me.  In order to do it, by virtue of fitting in somewhere, or belonging I didn't listen to my gut, it was all outside of me.  Does this make sense at all?  My mentality kept me in the dark, but my feeling center was telling me that these people were wrong for me, and I did not Listen.  So today, the reality is my coming to terms with what I felt all along, these people were dangerous, toxic and in some weird way my lead me to open my eyes and heart what was inside and feel the whole painful truth. 
The next quote;

Letting go is the measure of ability, survivability, adaptability and [flexability] (He might have said adaptivity-----? but I changed it)
Yes, is all this pain, guilt and denial of self worth it?  LOL, it kind of reminds me of that old saying, " I know it hurts dear, but it is good for you in end."  Well it is true.  Only can we let go if we go inside of our self and recognize what part of it that is ours.  I am not speaking professionally as a counselor, this is what I am learning in the past few weeks of my life, my experience.  I had to get hit, over and over again in a short time kinda like a warrior getting hit by arrows, and he is dodging them, some pierce his skin, the flesh is oozing with blood in different places, head to toe.  That is me, I have the ability to survive this war against me, but first I need to become my own defense!  Truly, that is all I got, but did I?  How could I defend myself?  It was through, that one single moment as a child that said to herself, I Love...Life, I want to live!  It was that dream, I abandoned myself, my gut, my instinct and it cost me.  And so I adapted, by alienating me, telling myself I deserved every minute of that destruction, I was worthless, the more I learned the more I turned it against me, I kept not listening to my inner voice, I DID NOT LET GO.  I assume a false exterior, like a chameleon?  But I felt all the pain, like a sponge I absorbed it all, all the while believing that these people knew best, it was for my own good.  Today, from my heart to head, we reunite and I have my eyes opened finally.  Now I think I can truly heal, I will not be ashamed of way of doing things, I will listen to my gut, I will not fear the pain, I will listen to my abilities, I will survive this, I will adapt to my new way of thinking, and if I stumble or fall along the way, I will go inside and find what I missed, there is no shame in that,  I am WORTH it! 

Good words, now I have to challenge myself to listen to them.  The bottom line, should be KIND to yourself always, like the little girl in me...Do it with all the Love in your heart.  It is the struggle that made me see, it is the pain that watered down my eyes, and cleared the haze so that I had a clean windshield and then I could see clearly again.  I went on and on, this is a refreshing change, to put this question to me.  It is a good way to heal and share.  I am taking a risk, so be gentle with me.

Farfaraway and Thank YOU


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2009, 04:12:46 PM »
The foundation of all mental illness is the avoidance of legitimate suffering?--Carl Jung


Letting go is the measure of ability, survivability, adaptability and flexability (He might have said adaptivity-----? but I changed it)


Wow!  That amazes me, all I can say about the first quote is, Carl Jung is right on!  Those that reach so far outside of themselves do not become aware of what is going on inside of them, well that is my take on it.  The one thing I can say is that, the truth inside of me that told me from the gut that these people, like my MOM, Daughter, Son In Law, Ex Husband, Mother In Law, Best Friends all deceived and all we corrupt.  But, that a little voice inside told me not to listen to me, that it is me who is the crazy one.  The Crazy in me, was all that...I did NOT want to be right, so I game the N's in my life chance after chance to prove myself wrong, after all it must have been me.  By doing so I cause myself to mentally ill, personified by the "victim me" or "scapegoat" for a very long time.  I know that this sounds like in my head, but I have connected my heart and head to this, idea.  To sum it up, I abandoned me, to search for acceptance, love through other people, people I wanted to trust cause they were all I had, but they were outside of me.  In order to do it, by virtue of fitting in somewhere, or belonging I didn't listen to my gut, it was all outside of me.  Does this make sense at all?  My mentality kept me in the dark, but my feeling center was telling me that these people were wrong for me, and I did not Listen.  So today, the reality is my coming to terms with what I felt all along, these people were dangerous, toxic and in some weird way my lead me to open my eyes and heart what was inside and feel the whole painful truth. 
The next quote;

Letting go is the measure of ability, survivability, adaptability and [flexability] (He might have said adaptivity-----? but I changed it)
Yes, is all this pain, guilt and denial of self worth it?  LOL, it kind of reminds me of that old saying, " I know it hurts dear, but it is good for you in end."  Well it is true.  Only can we let go if we go inside of our self and recognize what part of it that is ours.  I am not speaking professionally as a counselor, this is what I am learning in the past few weeks of my life, my experience.  I had to get hit, over and over again in a short time kinda like a warrior getting hit by arrows, and he is dodging them, some pierce his skin, the flesh is oozing with blood in different places, head to toe.  That is me, I have the ability to survive this war against me, but first I need to become my own defense!  Truly, that is all I got, but did I?  How could I defend myself?  It was through, that one single moment as a child that said to herself, I Love...Life, I want to live!  It was that dream, I abandoned myself, my gut, my instinct and it cost me.  And so I adapted, by alienating me, telling myself I deserved every minute of that destruction, I was worthless, the more I learned the more I turned it against me, I kept not listening to my inner voice, I DID NOT LET GO.  I assume a false exterior, like a chameleon?  But I felt all the pain, like a sponge I absorbed it all, all the while believing that these people knew best, it was for my own good.  Today, from my heart to head, we reunite and I have my eyes opened finally.  Now I think I can truly heal, I will not be ashamed of way of doing things, I will listen to my gut, I will not fear the pain, I will listen to my abilities, I will survive this, I will adapt to my new way of thinking, and if I stumble or fall along the way, I will go inside and find what I missed, there is no shame in that,  I am WORTH it! 

Good words, now I have to challenge myself to listen to them.  The bottom line, should be KIND to yourself always, like the little girl in me...Do it with all the Love in your heart.  It is the struggle that made me see, it is the pain that watered down my eyes, and cleared the haze so that I had a clean windshield and then I could see clearly again.  I went on and on, this is a refreshing change, to put this question to me.  It is a good way to heal and share.  I am taking a risk, so be gentle with me.

Farfaraway and Thank YOU

 Farfaraway, I have been trying to say the things you did, in the last few days but I could not put words to them.
 You expressed what happened to me. *I* was made to feel crazy so my NM, a therapist, could look sane. My parents conspired to make the whole family crazy  except my M who WAS the crazy one.
 I could not face how my family demeaned me. I could not face that they didn't love me so my life went to self destruction.
 I married my M in my H. His attitude is demeaning, even if he clothes it in "caring"
 My M clothed it in "caring" too. That is what confuses you so much and makes you think it must be you who is rotten and bad to the core.
 The N's project ALL their hated parts on you. I believed every last one except there was a part in me that didn't. My GM loved me and gave me a part that did love myself ,even though it was buried.
 I think we are on the same path to unburying that person within. I am so glad you are on the Board, Farfaraway.               Hugs,  Ami
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 04:20:24 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2009, 04:31:36 PM »


I think we are too!  This pain is worth it, it lets us know that we are getting comfortable with our selves!  I am so glad we met here Ami, I did pray with you.  I am so glad that your voice is getting heard too!  It is so validating, I was afraid to share about the little voice, but I did and it does good.  I would not have reached out so much, but I allowed myself to put it all down. I think were going on a journey here, and it is a good one.  It reminds of a little saying, I will share with you, its old.

    "God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change COURAGE to change the things I can, and THE WISDOM to know the difference." 

This has new meaning to me today!  LOL, Love and Hugs Ami and Izzy\

P.S.  I think the connection is the heart to the mind, the body and emotion connection tells us to connect it all together.


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 04:37:16 PM »
Oh you are welcome farfaraway---

----and I'm happy that I read you 'right' and sensed those quotes would fit. Imagine! I often don't have the words to describe, as you just did but your first paragraph is me all over again. I was always wrong, laughed at, the scapegoat, the black sheep---in my mind anyway, while both parents and 4 siblings were always right. After all the years of therapy, on and off, as it's expensive and no one ever nailing it, I did my own analysis until I had an answer. I was dissociated. I didn't suffer my pain since I thought I deserved it.

No more. It's NC that brings peace to me.

Letting go was easier in some areas, and now I live 2000 miles away from family, making it easier still, while meeting new people. I stopped being a person who "just put up with it because I was wrong anyway" to asserting myself and saying "No" and that's the only way they have known me.

Yes you are worth it---we all are and must believe it!!

See Ns are mentally ill, I'm sure, are generally miserable but won't face it, can't face it and they suffer for it and will never know why!
--so I suppose that is illegitimate suffering, unconsciously suffering.
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2009, 05:09:12 PM »
Yes!  This is awesomeness, it is sunny but even if it was raining the sunshine would overcome the rain or a gloomy day.  I take that breath of fresh air an breath deep embracing all that is today!  Thank you all for being so supportive and understanding.  Izzy you did read me right, and Ami and Hops and everyone of you. 

Hugs and Love



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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2009, 06:25:19 PM »

My son in law keeps sending me awful email, even tho I have blocked him,

When my N SIL starting harassing me, it was through email. I blocked her, and she created a new email address. Blocked her again. Then she started sending "gifts," like a birthday present saying that a pig had been donated to a third world country in my name, with the message, "a pig from a pig." I didn't click on the link to accept the "gift" as I knew she would be notified. I let her beilieve that it was deleted or ignored. It took a while, but she finally gave up on the email harassment.

That said, I recently found out that she has been monitoring my online activity. I found out when I opened a Twitter account, and within hours she had signed up as a "follower." I had used an alias on Twitter, so there was NO way that she stumbled across me. I realized at that moment that she had been running regular searches, probably for years. I'm not trying to scare you . . . just letting you so so you can protect yourself from further harassment. When an N gets blocked from email, they look for other ways to track you. I changed my user ID on this board because it was the same ID as my Twitter name, and also my email address.  Never use the same ID twice. Make sure that you can't be found, because he's probably looking. With all that you're going through, you don't need an Internet stalker on top of it, so covering your tracks, so to speak, might give you some extra peace of mind.

Thinking of you, and hoping that things get better soon . . .

« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 06:27:35 PM by JustKathy »


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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2009, 07:31:58 PM »

Thank you so much for that information, cause we (me and my kids) could not figure out he just happened to send it which had us all wondering.  Thank you so much.



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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2009, 04:10:55 PM »

My son in law keeps sending me awful email, even tho I have blocked him,

 I changed my user ID on this board because it was the same ID as my Twitter name, and also my email address.  Never use the same ID twice. Make sure that you can't be found, because he's probably looking. With all that you're going through, you don't need an Internet stalker on top of it, so covering your tracks, so to speak, might give you some extra peace of mind.


How do you change your user ID and keep all your contacts intact, my IP address stays the same...I do not know what to do, I am a nerd when it comes to computer stuff.  Thanks Kathy, I like the suggestion about never using the the same ID twice.   



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Re: OHhh MY Goddddddd, it happened again! I am in so much pain
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2009, 10:56:42 PM »
On this board, I changed the ID by clicking on my name (which is a hyperlink). That took me into my profile area where I could change my user name. Some boards don't have that feature. I was posting on another board for chronic pain (that I REALLY didn't want SIL to find). That board didn't have the option of changing, so I had to close the account and open a new one. I'm not too computer literate either, but it seemed pretty easy on this board.