you think YOU are bad NOT the person who really is sick and distorted, the N.
Right. I still carry that self-image of badness, but there is badness in me, I'm not bad, I just have wounds that act themself out in bad behavior.
Making peace with my aloneness is something I can do. What I cannot do is make peace with my need to be constantly alone, especially when I am feeling like the bad one and the N is acting like the good one, it pushes me into my aloneness out of neurotic fears. Then, after I have tired of the fears and faced some of them I see myself more clearly; I can see that I am not the bad one I'm just acting out my frustration which to the N
IS bad, we are supposed to be forever silent with the N's, never expressing out what they do to us, their images constructed out of their wall of ego cannot take such an assult as a true reflection of who they are.
Ami - I live with an N roommate. I have grown a tender heart for her even though she refuses to have anything to do with me. But I have been able to take her N behavior and grow from it, even having compassion for her inner world of a prison. I pray for her now and I am nice to her no matter what. She gives me the constant silent treatment as punishment for ever having spoken out about her shortcomings in living here. I am so used to taking the blame and seeing myself as "bad" because of my moms ways that for a while I allowed myself to take on her silent treatment punishment. Then, I recalled how when I lived with healthy non N's we would voice our frustrations about taking out trash and stepping on each others toes etc., liberally, and no one took offense, we just laughed and worked to improve on behalf of our respect for each other. I've been no different with her than other roommates, who I have respected, have been with me in the past when I was neglectful and inconsiderate to a degree, I could take someone's voice, I could take someone's feedback, even negative. So then, I was able to see that I am NOT bad, just being punished by the N, who wants me to be "bad" so that she does not have to own up and face her image or her real self.
N's are twisted, we just have to keep reminding ourselves of that, I do not mean twisted in a derogatory sense but in reality they
twist reality to suit their images, agendas and needs etcs. There is no playing by the rules with N's.