Author Topic: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update  (Read 4411 times)


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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2009, 11:16:39 AM »
Yes, Iz... you're dead-on (how perceptive! especially in cyberspace!!)... it is exactly something emotional that I'm dealing with that causes the shoulder to act up - and it will hurt for days or until I "let it go" or resolve the problem another way. Usually I'm in a current situation that reminds me - triggers - old fears or anger and that in turn causes stress & anxiety and I'm not able in that situation to voice my feelings for fear of escalating the situation into something even more (and really) threatening. So this is "injury" pain for me. I'm working on communication a lot these days and it's helping. But it's also healing pain... in that if recognize the physical pain as a signal... I can up the efforts to let it go or troubleshoot the problem... and then the shoulder calms down.

Also, if I'm obsessing and analyzing - going over & over some old pain - and still denying my "real" feelings or avoiding accepting something... yup... the shoulder starts to hurt again. Once I find a way to "get on with it" - whatever "it" is - pain goes away.
The only physical treatment that has worked, so far, is deep tissue massage... but that's a last resort for me. It took me a long, long while to connect the shoulder pain with whatever emotional work I'm doing... and usually I'm bulldozing my way with all due speed through something - driving myself into being "wrapped too tight", ya know?

HEY - ya know what?? I think you've just given me a big, big clue about something I'm working on right now!! :D
You wise woman, you...

Thanks much... I have to "check it out" and then I'll report back.
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2009, 11:41:01 AM »
I'm glad there was a prod for you PR

The trauma that I'm experiencing, from something I read on trauma, can bring old traumas to the forefront. Well I have plenty of those and don't want to relive them, but one area is the extensive therapy that I went through to turn 2 paralyzed legs into 2 on which I could bear weight and use crutches for 34 of the 40 years.

My therapy now is much more understandable because of that, and I can talk about/draw a line between the state of my disability on Mar  26  then on  Mar27 when I was struck down.

for Mo2

This is an excerpt from a lawyer's site  (which is all that comes up in a Search re Advocacy) and you will likely find the same in the States,

can’t assess the value of the claim until they have healed and are happy in their medical condition and that they are back to doing everything they did before the accident in a pain free manner. If they are not going to make a 100 percent recovery, they are recovered to the point where their doctors can talk specifically about any problems they may have in the future. Then we get all the pertinent medical legal reports from the appropriate professionals, and put them together with other aspects of the claim such as future wage loss or future constant care. Then and only then can we get some idea of what their claim may be worth. How long this takes is really determined, as much as anything, by how long it takes the client to get better or to reach a state of ability that will be constant for the rest of his or her life.

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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2009, 08:01:58 AM »
Oh, Izzy,

I am only keeping up with reading the board these days...but I wanted you to know that we could never forget you.  Please write as you can (but sleep as MUCH as you can).  I can only imagine how long this convalescence must feel. 

You seem so very brave to me.  I am in awe of all that you have accomplished and against such odds. You are one of the strongest women I know.

Much love,
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2009, 10:35:21 AM »
Thank you CB,

Perhaps I am stronger than I believe, but I do what I do in order to not be thought of as 'lazy, looking for pity, to get back what I lost (not always successful) and not wallow in what I 'could have done's'.

Next step is to see my Dr. and ask him every question imaginable, for the record, as I expect he won't have all the answers. I am taking a friend (my lady who helps around the house.) She will be my witness, so to speak, as I often wonder if this Dr. really listens to me.

I will ask for a blood test for the tremors, to see if I am 'lacking anything in particular'. Otherwise it will be as I have thought and it is the pain that brings them on.

I will ask his opinion on the pain, the therapy being done over the pain, the edema and being told to not wear anything on that leg (lower), such as knee high support hose, and ask if it's true that it will be with me forever. It never has before but now I am told differently.

For Aug 28:
1. I am up for review regarding more therapy, or stop
2. I am up for review for help around here  (cutting down the hours I receive) with my chores.

I am not ready to be on my own, yet the head therapist in charge of my case makes these judgments from her office without seeing me in action, or non-action, and relies on the reports of others.

I am covering my bases in case I am left on my own for some things.

Thanks CB, and I do try for the healing sleep, but pain is what usually wrecks it. So I sleep in shifts and am fatigued!

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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2009, 11:58:23 AM »
Ummmmmm... OK.


the Plaintiff's Insurance Company has a woman......

sitting behind a desk.....

who decides whether or not the Insurance Company should spend more money on services for you.

And you know, from the past, that she pretty much wants you on your own and without services, regardless of your ability to function.

If I recall correctly, you had a leg with crumbling bones and hardware floating about when she tried to yank some of your services the first time.

I am just boiling thinking about this.

What on God's green earth made anyone think the souless opposing insurance companies should be in charge of injured people, esp those as seriously injured as you!?!?!

This reminds me of the time the hospital was trying to ship a loved one off the rehab when his brain was swelling dangerously and he couldn't even swallow!

He needed emergency surgery and a shunt..... not rehab!

There was no talking to them...... we had to end up with the emergency surgery...... dealing with the problem in a timely appropriate safe manner just wasn't an option and I still can't understand why that is.

I know one thing Izzy..... you have got to get over this refusal to whine and express your pain and need bc you perceive it as a shameful weakness.

In fact, you might want to overdo it a bit, just so they come close to providing enough help and services, KWIM?

They want to save a buck. 

That's their goal.

They don't care about anything else.

Be your own advocate, Izz.

As foreign and uncomfortable as it is to show weakness and vulnerability......

please don't put up a strong front any longer.

Please speak out about the pain and difficulties.

Don't give them one inch of wiggle room they shouldn't have.

Can you do that?




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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2009, 02:10:01 PM »
hi Mo2

Sure the Insurance Co. is trying to save a buck, but if I am NOT looked after and returned to my original state, my claim goes from $50,000 to $500,000. Then I see my own therapist, with my doctor's referral and that is FREE in Canada. I can also hire whoever I want to do whatever I want, spend what I want and still add to my legacy.

So I have been honestly trying, and have told about the pain, and I cannot believe you would think I wouldn't look out for my own best interests with a lawyer who will do all the fancy talking (advocating) about loss, pain and suffering, for me. This will be either in or out of court.

Btw, I am the Plaintiff, the guy who hit me is the Defendant and we both are insured with ICBC.

Not 'regardless of your ability to function" She just has never been through this herself, and might never have had a case like mine before. I've been setting her straight all along, what with 'firing' the first trainee therapist she provided, for manipulating my leg too soon. She reinstated my hours after cutting me down too soon, re household chores, and I told her that doing this without seeing me was a travesty.

I thank you sincerely for thinking about my best interests,
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2009, 02:15:35 PM »
I meant to say Defendant's insurance company.


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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2009, 11:21:27 PM »
You need lullabies:

(The last is one of my favorite UU hymns...)

Sweet, sweet rest to you tonight, sweet Izzy, with much easing, gently, gently, float into peace and deep deep rest...

love to you,
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2009, 10:04:26 AM »
Thank you Hops

"In the Arms of an Angel" is played locally in a commercial for rescued animals. That and a little 3-legged kitten made me cry.

In the morning it is difficult to remember (when it happens every night) but last night I was up but once in 8½ hours sleep.

Lullabies for Izzy

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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2009, 10:41:50 AM »
It took me a long, long while to connect the shoulder pain with whatever emotional work I'm doing... and usually I'm bulldozing my way with all due speed through something - driving myself into being "wrapped too tight", ya know?

AHA... sometimes I just need to listen to what I'm explaining to someone else. I'm not being kind to myself when I'm driving myself on through something - emotional or otherwise. And then, my body reacts by "hurting".

Iz: do you feel that your recovery is taking longer than it should? Did anyone give you an estimate on how long you'd experience pain? Due to what, I wonder? Nerve endings resetting? And what relieves the pain - have you found any relief? I just wonder if there is another inadvertant side effect to being re-injured, surgeries, etc that the docs haven't started to take seriously...
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2009, 11:05:39 AM »

Just sending you a hug. I know how pain can really drain one and make it almost impossible to focus on other things in life. I pray that you will start feeling better soon.

Love, Beth
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2009, 03:45:50 PM »
From out of the jungle comes the cry of a constipated ape!-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

hi PR,
Different kinds of strains can make the body physically hurt, emotional strain and physical strain. I was doing therapy and doing what the ape was --tensing up and using every muscle to just rotate my knee inward, and ended up with a strain in my shoulder. When I told the therapist, she said I didn't need my arms, just lay them flat over my head and relax (instead of down by my side and pushing them into the bed). Well that's what therapists are for, to make sure we do it right. Once we learn, we more or less remember for another time. and we must learn it for ourselves, so we can see that it fits. Until then we don't know.

With a preexisting injury and partial paralysis, places where there is no pain (below the knees on down) then places where it is mixed, and osteoporotic bones that began after 40 years ago (from the waist to the knees) I am sure no one can estimate for sure when I'll be totally healed, and when there is pain, there is bone healing.  No one would want to estimate and I can understand that.

I think the able-bodied heal faster, as I've read forums, but not sure. One stopped taking pain pills and went horse back riding just to break out again in extreme pain at 5 months. I am 4 ½ now. They talk about when they walk again and some are in 2-3 weeks, but I'm not to walk again---so I think there is no comparing. Someone said about getting the juices flowing, and get healing. All I have is therapy. Plus I require good solid sleep.

I had the 2 intrusions of surgery, to insert the hardware and to remove it. That's messing with muscles and nerves and stitching and re-stitching-- meaning I have 3 incisions that I didn't need; not a mistake, as many SCord injured people have the hardware. What I am guessing, since my damaged wheelchair went missing, and ICBC wouldn't buy me a new one until I produced my damaged one, but couldn't, I used an old decrepit 16" wide chair, and my swelling hip landed over the turning wheel right at the biggest incision, and I tried to watch/protect it. That might have been the cause of the infection. Therefore, ICBC did not take my word for it and was slow/late in bringing me an 18" wide loaner, and by now I think the damage was done (the infection started).

I tell my lawyer all this stuff so he knows exactly what happened, and I showed him my old wheelchair with the left side of the seat missing 3 bolts so that I couldn't sit straight and my hip lowered over the wheel.

Mine is a long involved story, and I'm sure in posting I have left out things than happened, in the interest of brevity, but I have a journal about it all.

So as a lay person I could say the first surgery was unnecessary, or I could say that I wouldn't have had the infection and the second surgery if ICBC brought me a loaner chair right away, for use when I got home. A Dr. might spin this differently, but I give my lawyer the ammunition to argue the point...and my story on my damaged wheelchair being stolen by/from the hospital. Even damaged, it was my property.

So am I... 3½ months or 4½... counting 2 surgeries 1 month apart?

I must just be patient and calm and not be tense.

and Beth,
Thank you. I do feel a little self-absorbed, being all about me, but everything requires examination and perhaps notation. Pain is very draining and frustrating. My best position is sitting. I have but 2 positions. In bed I pain more.

I am thinking 8-9 months, so am only ½-way into this.
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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2009, 06:29:53 PM »

Hi Iz,

Wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you.

Looking forward to another of your entertaining stories from the past, whenever you feel up to it.

Keep us posted on how you're doing in the now, also as you feel up to it.




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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2009, 01:43:20 AM »
Thanks tt,

I have a few laughs now but not the same as before. The funniest for Christine is that she must remember to dust my bathtub, as it is just collecting dust like everything else, except the 2 sinks.

I have a nervous habit now of picking at my ear. It was dry skin itch at first but now is very sore. I see the Dr. on Tuesday next and it will be a substitute one from my regular , less than forthright, GP.

I spend most of my time at the computer at amusing sites with pictures and videos of bloopers and jokes, and also watching movies, play a few games and email.

I have become quite lazy, with all my work being done for me, and wonder how things will be for whenever I am healed.

Keep in touch too, because How are things with you?

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Re: Trying to keep it together in pain…a boring update
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2009, 04:27:43 PM »

Hi Iz,

Things are mostly good with me.  As far as I'm able to judge, with the breaking of a few obnoxious habits, I'd be really good!  :lol:
