Author Topic: Going no contact with my mother  (Read 1519 times)


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Going no contact with my mother
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:31:10 AM »
What experiences have you guys had, if any, with going no contact with parents? My father passed away 6 years ago and I live next door to my mother. 34 of my 37 years have been spent either living with or beside my mother. I know this isn't healthy and I need to cut the chord but there is this problem of having 4 small children and needing her help with watching them. My biggest problem with this is that she is with them just like she was with me. She's 59 and only gets worse, sitting around her house with the shades drawn, always preaching and treating everyone like their stupid. My 3 yr old gets very emotional when we take her over there and it kills my wife and I.

Mom asked me for my new cell number today and when I told her I didn't give it to anyone but my wife she came back with, "if I don't have your number I'm not watching your kids." She acts like she needs it in case of emergencies, to which I respond, " If its a true emergency dial 911, anything else deal with it yourself or call my wife." She just has this sickening attitude that she's better than everyone else and I should respect her and do her bidding out of duty since she's my mother. As sad as this sounds, I'm at the point where she is just a nosy neighbor and the female who birthed me. She's just that backward and weird.

Anyway, as difficult as it's going to be, I'm going to start fixing up my house for sale and looking for one in the same town, just away from her. My wife and I are trying so hard to keep it together for our children so pulling them out of this school district just isn't something we are prepared to do.

Thanks for listening. Looking forward to your input.



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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2009, 02:18:23 PM »
Dear RS
  I hear that IF you don't go NC, you will not be able to make it. It is just a sense that it really is a life or death thing for you.
 I hear tremendous over the top guilt and I can understand it a little better when you talk about the religious aspect.
  I have tremendous guilt, too, so I understand but I think yours is in the process of killing you now so you MUST address it.
 That is my intuition-----address your guilt about being  a"horrible" person i.e BAD and maybe you can start coming out of this awful place.
  Does any of that hit you as true?      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2009, 02:36:33 PM »

Yes it does. I'm having a bad enough time functioning in the world without having to sit in my own backyard feeling like Norman Bates. My mother comes from sexual abuse and 'do as I say, not as I do' as a child and it just shut her down. She did have an older brother, my Uncle Rick, that at least gave her someone to weather the storm that was her home life. He is a quiet but nice man, a successful accountant with what looks like a good marriage. My cousins are decent human beings as well.

But she just never got it. She talks down to people, over explaining things with way too much detail. I used to sit there and stare at her, nodding my head till she finished or took a breath but I'm so frustrated I just ignore her unless she's speaking directly to me, then as soon as I get what she's trying to say, just repeat 'got it' until she shuts up. She is so exhausting.

ANyway, thanks Ami.


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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2009, 02:41:27 PM »
Yes, RS, it sounds like you must get away for your sanity. I have been NC for 6 months. I feel the best I have ever.         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2009, 02:48:09 PM »
Hi RS. I made the decision to go NC with my mother about 6 years ago. It was NOT a decision that came easy. After several talks with different therapists, reading books, and boards like this, I began to realize that it was the only way to be truly free of her torment. Hard choice, because no matter how badly our N parents treated us, it's impossible to escape the guilt of going NC. I kept feeling that I had done something cruel, and of course M knew how to work those emotions, and started sending me letters and emails trying her best to guilt me. When I refused to respond, she went after my husband, writing to him and trying to turn him against me.

Going NC also heightened her smear campaign against me. For years now, she has been telling other family members that I "disowned" her for no reason, that she loves me, I'm her favorite child, how could I be so cruel, etc. Someone said something in another thread that really helped me - anyone who would fall for such a smear campaign is someone we don't need in our lives, anyway. Those words REALLY helped me.

I have to say, that while going NC has caused a lot of internal conflict, being free of the constant torment has far outweighed any emotional struggles that I've had. And the emotional aspect of it has gotten better over time, the more I talk to other people, both victims and professionals, who have validated that NC is the ONLY way to deal with a narcissist.

One warning. Ns will not just sit back and accept NC. That means losing power and control, and they WILL fight back. My mother never stopped sending the nasty cards and emails. She refused to just let it go. She is now terminally ill, and still trying to guilt me, using other family members as tools to hurt me, changing the will to hurt me, it goes on. Hubby and I are quite convinced that we will receive a letter from her after she dies. It would not surprise me at all if she has written something designed to guilt me into dust, with instructions for my father to mail it when she's gone. Of course, my F would think it's a letter telling me how much she loves me. All this is speculation at this point, but would perfectly fit the pattern of her behavior over the last 40 years, so we see it coming. One final posthumous attack. Control from beyond the grave.

Going a little off topic here, but my point is that they NEVER give up. Since you're planning on moving, try to move as far away as possible. Physical distance really helps, in addition to emotional distance.


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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2009, 03:47:24 PM »
Dear RS,

Going NC with ones' own family is one of the most agonizing, but freeing decision one, will ever have to make. I know.. not quite there yet myself.

I am concerned for your mental health and that of your three year old. I felt goosebumps when you mentioned his/her becoming "emotional" when left with NG. RS you absolutely MUST protect your little one!  I don't know if your child is exhibiting normal separation anxiety, or is really experiencing some unpleasant behavior from NG in your absence.

One of the most important (I think) things that you and your spouse can do is have an alternative support system in place to buffer the onslaught to come.  Those in the peanut gallery will serve to enforce guilt and shame upon you for your decision.

If you can, do not open and read any letters or emails, not even for curiosities sake.

I have a N relative that makes it their business to visit people (on their death bed) just to gloat over how badly they looked and how they were suffering. This is done because of grudges held sometimes for 40 or 50 years! Under a cloak of loving concern and piousness. This person has openly laughed to me afterwards about how badly so and so suffered..followed with a story about the grudge, and how it was G-Ds judgement upon them for ----- you fill in the blanks with any number of infractions.

Why you may ask, did I include the story above? It is to validate that those with N disorder, are pathological and ruthless when they lose control and you no longer dance the dance. The story above serves to illustrate the point. Yes they want exact their (your) pound of flesh even after this life ceases.

It does not matter the age of the target they will use to exact revenge.

Do what you must do RS... I have had such wonderful counsel given to me from the "angels" on this board. It is never an easy thing to do... we are here for you.

Much love,



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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2009, 05:55:14 PM »
::very worried about the 3yo at Grandma's too::



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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2009, 06:59:32 PM »
I worry about the child at Grandma's as well. One thing that Ns do well, is to brainwash young minds. Your mother can, and probably WILL, work very hard to mold the little one's mind, and turn her against you. When I was considering having children, my T told me that if I did, to NEVER leave my child alone with my N mother. If there is any way to find child care from another source, I would strongly recommend it. Once you go NC, your M will become enraged, and will stop at nothing to exact revenge. She'll try to mold the children, that I can almost guarantee. Be careful.

Wishing you the best with this.



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Re: Going no contact with my mother
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2009, 03:13:04 PM »
I'm a newbie here.  I feel every inch of your dilemma.  You need to move away indeed.  I did. I moved 600 miles away but unfortunately, it's not far enough.  I'm thinking about NC.  Very, very hard as I have a 2 year old and my N mom is misbehaving on her visits to me.   I wish you the best.  :?