Personally this is spot on. Having no adult in my young life that looked at me like I mattered caused me to grow up feeling invisible and insatiably hungering for attention and recognition, first from my FOO then the rest of humanity that I come in contact with. I remember at age 4, telling a kid in the lunch line I went to McDonald's the night before to impress them, even though it was a lie. My whole life has been one 37 year search for attention. Well the tank is about empty.
I know I sound like a broken record (thats what I am) but does anyone have any direction on where to go with this?
How wonderful, however distressing and painful I understand, that you have awaken to your truth of losses of love in life and that you have the courage to share this and see the truths. Some people never reach this place; something is happening in your soul, you are coming back to life.
I too was not mirrored enough as a child. I awoke from my image of perfection over 20 years ago. I recall those first few years were tough, especially the first few months after I was able to see that my life was built on lies, I had no idea who I was and what was inside of me. That first year I cried many tears of memories of loss from my childhood as well as "just hurts" of loss of recognition, which is so much of what we children who did not get that mirroring affection needed in order to develop a healthy core to our being.
When I first awoke to reality facing my lost and lying self I did not even know what my favorite color or food was, I had been so conformed to fit my mom's mold to gain her love and approval, or at times to just not have her reject me, that I had lost my heart, I had no idea who I was and what I wanted in life. My life was about caring for my face....with every breath and thought in my being came the fear "if you really knew who I was you would run in terror, please see that I am OK, please don't stop buying my face."
12 step recovery has helped me a lot. There are many in AA or other 12 step groups who would know exactly where you are at. ACA -- Adult Children of Alcoholics or even Alanon are place were even if you were not raised by an alcoholic you would be able to relate to others stories of childhood dysfunction as well as find additional support from peers who too have taken that step to awaken to the lost child within. One of the aspects of 12 step recovery is the risking to be real before others; people share their hearts and real faces, their inner struggles. It is a place to not receive recognition but rather get the understanding and healing from the lack of recognition that we never received, hopefully.
There are a couple of books that have helped me over the years, one is
Healing The Child Within. Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families. Another book is
Legacy of the Heart The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood.
12 Step programs have a spirituality about them, actually that is the main focus or our center towards approaching healing around our past; knowing that there is a Higher Power and that we are not it. We like to play God which leads to dysfunction, trying to control life, dictating our demands onto life. The best approach I found in healing my core and getting to know myself, overcoming guilt so on and so forth was to just surrender all of myself: ideas, desires, ambitions etc. to the idea of a caring and compassionate Higher Power that made me and knows me better than myself, wanting my best interest and to heal me. It is about blind faith and courage.
Hope this helps.
Here are a few articles that may help, if not, then compost: