Author Topic: Lets go play!  (Read 10141 times)


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2009, 10:25:26 AM »
I joined Facebook last January before letting my 15 year old join because I wanted to know what it was all about.  Well, guess who has had more fun with it?  Me?  I have a few very, very quick-witted & humorous friends who I go back and forth with making fun of his 80s mustache and my 80s perm, etc.    If I had not joined FB, I never would have seen or talked to these former co-workers again!  It has just been a ton of fun to me and I've found myself laughing out loud alone a lot since last January!


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2009, 10:31:03 AM »
ooopppps, I'm having trouble with the quote thing, I too have joined facebook because I wanted to see what my kids were doing. I have reconnected with old childhood friends and we poke fun at each other and support each other as well, kinda feels like no time has passed at all. I find myself laughing out loud as well WearyofHer, It's a great place to escape to sometimes. I can see why the kids like it!!! :D


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2009, 11:21:29 AM »
I once saw this book of old black and white photos of these boys on old ships. They were sitting on parts of the ship with their legs and feet dangling and their hair is tussled from the salt water wind. My essential self must have been communicating something to me.
I think my heart wanted to leap out of my chest, do a pirouette in the air and then land into one of the photos. I wanted to go back in time and be one of those boys on those boats. Sort-of. (I mean there are bad jokes about that).

I don't believe in past lives, but I sort of wondered if I had been one of these people in a past life because I've never even taken sailing lessons.

OK - more ideas on this topic: watch Robin Williams' movies - Peter Pan and Jumanji. They both tap into my wacky sense of make-believe and fun. Of course, sometimes I find myself crying through the giggles, too. Like the tin-man in Wizard of Oz... that sense of silly fun is a bit rusty; it's sorta painful to try "moving" that part again. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better it feels. It sort of lights the way to more serious pay-offs, too.

Actually, it was my hubby who introduced me to these movies... and Men in Tights; the Robin Hood stuff with Costner, too. I absolutely adored Errol Flynn and Danny Kaye movies when I was a kid. I still want a sword - and to take tai chi sword classes.

My hubby has been feeding this "need to play" for me - and it started YEARS before therapy. That's one of the things I love about him - his theory is that one should never "grow up", in the sense that you stop having silly fun. Oh, he is a responsible, reliable person - never fear - but toys? He is the king of toys and play. When I told him I always wanted a pony - he bought me 3 miniature toy ponies. When I mentioned I always wanted to dance ballet - he found where I could buy toe shoes. There have been spirographs, key-chain watercolor sets, and more. He found a way to teach me how to play video games - on a wii: my first time was playing baseball and I hit home run, after home run; I was hooked. I used to be killer at baseball... and I just played not long ago with my brother & his kids - I can still slam one in real life. He is threatening to make me a pirate hat with a tiara...

And yes, hubby's the Pirate King - especially now that we're anticipating a move to the beach. He plays Jimmy Buffett's "A Pirate Looks at 40" over & over & over... we have visited the Margaritaville websites... and now there are more "toys", of course! Today, he is submitting his resignation at work and choosing a "retirement" date before the end of the year. We are retiring to "play" - to make up for all those days we were "always there"; did the things that had to get done and no one else would do... our new goal in life is to be old kids, period.

Like you, I feel inhibited somewhat - having fun. It's not that I can't... but yes, I feel that someone's going to judge me and that's not comfortable... so I back off the ideas or "never get around to it". So sometimes, I just say the hell with it... and do it. And it turns out that for me, the only one "judging" or disapproving the fun... is the internalized "critic" who holds the opinion that it's not "seemly" for someone my age to be enjoying myself that much. Well, critics are just people who voice their opinion. And opinions are like arseholes - everyone's got one. Doesn't mean the opinion is correct, now does it?

One more pirate reference...
at the end of day long meetings to transfer my Dad's business to my brother & me (all so serious & corporate)... full of lawyers... documents in triplicate... the whole bit... our last meeting was with 3 more bankers. At this point, it's beginning to hit me emotionally that everything is done and I just want to whoop and hollar; it's been almost a year since my Dad died, and this process has been excruciatingly slow.  So one of the bank reps manages the property insurance for the business and I'm looking at a form that says our global, ocean-going shipments are insured.... and out of my mouth with no forethought comes:

so.... does this mean our shipments are insured against pirates? (They are!!)

And everyone except my brother busted out laughing. He looked like he didn't even hear me (and truth is, he remembers almost nothing of what went on that day). At that point, the "suits" became real people... and they started to talk just a bit differently, more relaxed and candid. Then I explained my upcoming move to the beach. Playing is how we learned - or should have - as kids, to connect with others. My irrepressible, smart-ass inner kid couldn't resist making that comment in that setting... and how wise she is, that she broke the tension and the stuffy respectable pretense... with that one facetious (well, not quite given where the shipments go) question about pirates. The rest of the time, I was direct & to the point, able to trade-off with them in discussions, because I did do my homework and have some experience with the topics at hand. Professional, that is - with a twist. And I doubt they'll forget me or my question when the only time we interact is through email, ya know?

Play is very very good for us - like vitamin C. It's nutrition for a part of us that isn't physical.
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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2009, 01:37:45 PM »
I have the same problem. I don't know how to play and have fun.  I've found my big thing is concentration. I'm not really "into" what I am doing and I find my thoughts wandering. I just started doing paint by number. Not so much because I want to have my "artwork" hanging all over my house. lol It is just because it forces you to live in the moment.


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I did play... in the green soft grass...
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2009, 03:12:36 PM »
After this beseeching post, I went to a park to read a book. I found a peaceful spot where I could sit on a bench. A wasp chased me off the bench, I then relocated to sitting on the lawn, and eventually flopped all the way back with limbs sprawled and looked up at the huge trees. I decided I needed to bicycle in the air for exercise, simultaneously still holding my book up in the air for reading.

Upon remembering a couple of exercises, I incorporated them into a stylized grass rolling method. Sort of half break-dancing and rolling like a log. I figured out that I can helicopter my legs in the air in opposite directions and it's enough momentum to keep my body rolling across flat ground without having to use my arms at all! It was pretty much out of site in a park where I had a whole gigantic lawn to myself. Some woman came and sat in a bench to read a book. No big deal. I'm an adult and I can roll around in the grass in front of people. I'm proud of myself. I can't remember the last time I have played in the grass like that. I guess it's a heliroll. My fat cells were a little sore, I may have been stung by a bee or got a splinter poke, there was a slight ouch somewhere. Over all it was totally safe and healthy and I feel saner now then I did before I helirolled. I'm about 5% tempted to take up break dancing, I'm not a 15 yr old boy though, so no, no break dancing for me.

It's so funny how my adult self slowly gives way, first book reading, then exercising then ROLLING in the soft green grass. There is a rational, justifiable, logical transition until little Helen finally takes over.

At the end of my helicopter roll across the lawn I started laughing, I couldn't help myself. And it's ok if I'm laughing for my own joy. I talk to myself so I guess it's ok for me to laugh to myself also. This smile was different then the smile I found when I was just spontaneously smiling at people and kids and dogs after crying. This helicopter grass rolling smiling was, well I don't know I can't remember smiling like that for so long. I guess it was just a “hey this is fun” sort of smile. I'm going to see how many different types of authentic smiles I can notice/induce.

Green lawns call to me, to do stuff, I'm not always sure what type of stuff, but crawling, somersaulting sort of stuff. Basically anything that causes grass-stains is right up my alley.

Just like a kid, I forgot that I had some halfway decent clothes on, thought about grass stains afterwards not beforehand. This is definitely essential self, I bet essential self does not care about grass stains or laundry or dishwashing or cleaning.. I could get use to this essential self thing. 


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Re: Phoenix
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2009, 03:57:32 PM »

OK - more ideas on this topic: watch Robin Williams' movies - Peter Pan and Jumanji. They both tap into my wacky sense of make-believe and fun. Of course, sometimes I find myself crying through the giggles, too. Like the tin-man in Wizard of Oz... that sense of silly fun is a bit rusty; it's sorta painful to try "moving" that part again. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better it feels. It sort of lights the way to more serious pay-offs, too.........................

............Play is very very good for us - like vitamin C. It's nutrition for a part of us that isn't physical.

Arrrrr!   Me Matey….Ye Sprog….infested flaming chicken, smoldering livered dodo..…find me swords!  We duel t'night beneath the full moon!  Arrrrrr......

Alright, clearly I need to brush up on my pirate-lingo.

I haven’t seen Jumanji forever, I don’t think I have ever seen men in tights, it’s on my list now.

You mentioned Robin Williams and…OH HEY, I just remembered that last night I had been thinking of the Dead Poets Society. That is one of my all time favorite movies. I do want a dead poet's society.

That is really nice that your husband can fuel your playful side! Heh, congratulations on getting through the paperwork and meetings, it feels good to get through a seemingly never ending process.  

« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 04:10:37 PM by Helen »


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2009, 04:40:42 PM »
I have the same problem. I don't know how to play and have fun.  I've found my big thing is concentration. I'm not really "into" what I am doing and I find my thoughts wandering. I just started doing paint by number. Not so much because I want to have my "artwork" hanging all over my house. lol It is just because it forces you to live in the moment.

Hi, nice to meet you.

I'm recalling a photo in a high-end interior decorating magazine that displayed a collection of paint by numbers up on a wall. I guess it's sort of retro-chic or nerdy-cool...

Alright now at this very moment there is a woman dancing around in this cafe with her baby in arms.


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2009, 04:44:20 PM »
Hoist the mains'l and let furl the banner! We'll be trolling for booty on the coast by nightfall, 'lest the scurvy dogs find us!!

(and yer upright and hid the treasure chest well... aye, mate?)

Sept 19 is "talk like a pirate day".... I need to brush up, too!
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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2009, 04:53:08 PM »
Hoist the mains'l and let furl the banner! We'll be trolling for booty on the coast by nightfall, 'lest the scurvy dogs find us!!

(and yer upright and hid the treasure chest well... aye, mate?)

Sept 19 is "talk like a pirate day".... I need to brush up, too!

Yo-ho-ho….Aye, Ye Seadog, thee tresurrrre be safe an sound in the ships head!!
Avast ye! Me sees something in yonder water.    Aaaarrgghh!!!

I still have the Dead Poet's Society in my mind, along with the Pirates, they are merging into the The Dead Pirate's Poetic Society.
If pirates attempted to recite poetry...
Oh My GOD!
I have to write some pirate poetry.

Look! A pirate ship namer:
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 05:11:43 PM by Helen »


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2009, 05:30:20 PM »
Ok, Ok, ok, I know who my character is, I'm an overlysensitive pirate. Aaarrghh! That hurt!!

No maybe not, I'm a pirate that is trying to become cultured. Aaarrrghh! Me learn meself opera!!

No, No, No, Ok

I'm a forgetfull pirate, Aarrrgh! Where did I put me booty! No

I'm a, a, a, ...What am I

I'm a nasty mean pirate that is trying to get in touch with his inner fairy princess... Oh yes... I like this one..

Aaaarrrhhh... Me Barbie Doll be a swarthy home-wreckerrrrr.. oh no. I don't know right now, I will figure the character out at some point.

I'm a pirate with arachnophobia.

I'm a pirate with a green thumb and my boat has sunflowers growing on it, and the flowers tell dirty jokes to each other.
I have a garden full of poisonous plants. The plants can talk and they all hate each other.

A pirate that likes to breakdance- that's too slick...

I'm a pirate who is secretly the president of a teetotalism cult.

The only thing I know for sure is that I have a tattoo of a pink skunk on my right leg. Or maybe I have a pet skunk instead of a parrot.
Yes!!!! I have a pet skunk. Ok, yes, and my pet skunk has a pink mohawk down the whole length of it's back instead of a white stripe. 

The only thing I know for sure is that my hobby is skunk breeding.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 06:17:29 PM by Helen »


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2009, 09:15:44 AM »
One of my friends sent me this, knowing that I enjoy both Disney and Marvel cartoons and comics.  I LAUGHED so hard that I still have tears running down my face!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :lol:

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2009, 09:22:25 AM »
Has anyone see Da Ali G show?        I had to turn it off b/c my stomach hurt too much from laughing.                                                     Ami
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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2009, 01:14:44 PM »
OK.... where's the pirate poetry?
I'm just dying to know... since all your pirate images have me laughing so hard... what else is lurking - like a pet skunk (with a peg leg & eye patch??) with a pink stripe...

is she Cap'n P-Yuuuuuu?
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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2009, 01:30:21 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Lets go play!
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2009, 02:37:31 PM »
I previously posted on this board that I sometimes have the tendency to talk to myself. Well, thanks to this post, this behavior has taken a very disturbing turn, I am now beginning to talk to myself in a Pirate voice. It is true! I was cooking last night and was uncontrollably saying to myself: "I be burnin me kitchen! I be cuttin me fingers!" Aaarggh....

I do this upside down, Billy-Idol like, lip snarl to get the words out right, I mean god, if I didn't appear crazy before I certainly do now. When I do my speed walking around the neighborhood, I'm snarling my lips and mumbling to myself: "AAaarghh, Me Be a depressed Pirate!!"  Then I practice my Aaargghh's some more.....

It's hard to make an Aaarggh sound right in a depressed voice... so I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to be both a Pirate and be depressed. I picture myself sitting on my ship making little ships-in-a-bottle but instead of putting them in glass jars I put them into used antidepressant prescription bottles then toss them into the sea.

Ok, so with this post I seem to have been ambushed by a demented tribe of feral smurfs.

Last night I admonished myself for being so silly and turned the silly part off. Oh well. I will add on later if my pirate character calls to me again. The Pirate poetry is going to take some real work for me...I promise to post it if I find it in me somewhere.

Geeze now I really do have to brush up on Pirate-talk.

I was thinking that my pet skunk, instead of having peg legs would have a leather harness with built in wings, so it can leap around on the sails, like a flying squirrel. It might need a helmet for safety reasons. Although on second thought, the skunk may prefer the pegged legs instead of wings. I can whittle the legs from the ends of termite infested pool-cues. I'm not sure what her name is yet..
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 02:57:10 PM by Helen »