It is hard for me to say is the board is like a 3d group or not, I feel more free in my self expression than I would in a 3d group as well as we are free to write and post as much as possible where as in a 3d group there is a sense of structure that the board lacks.
The board works for me as a sort of journal experience, to write out my inner thoughts to help me see what is going on in me, to give me that visual of hurt so that I can find the grief and clarity, I grow from seeing or writing out my pain and my own Nish stuff.
The help that others give me is precious to me as well as I need the board to help me get out of myself, from time to time, to read about others struggles to see if I cannot give my heart, prayers or wisdom learned through my pain to others.
Today, when I awoke, reading your comments to me on my recent thread was like the wind of blessing that I needed to help pull me out of my sad slump of hopelessness. The understanding and clarity of others really helps me.