... the projection is WRONG
precisely because a projection is something about your mom - not you - that she pushed out into/onto you. That inner critic is describing ITSELF... but making YOU feel that it's about you.
Thank you (((Amber)))
This morning, when I read your post I felt relieved; it was if the loud voice screaming in my head ran in fear because of your truth exposing that that voice is just a lie. That voice gets so loud.
Amber, you are correct in that this feels like the last layer of NM's projections, it is so distorting to my reality, all I can see is the BAD lise, the WRONG lise and just what a miserable failure I am, the way that my mom made me feel everyday, in order to clean herself off and keep herself from the awareness of her wrong and badness. It amazes me that I took on her shame dumping for so many years, quietly and blindly believing it, believing that I was all bad and all wrong.
This is one of the reasons that I was so wrapped up in the n-saints or the NT's projections and abuse, for so long, it was a triple whammy of confusion and a fight for mental and emotional survival as a child and as an adult. My NM used to tell me that I was mentally ill, when the courts tried to take me away from her that was her defense, that I had mental problems, it was so painful, that pain is surfacing, again, I was so powerless over her projections and distortions. The NT did tell others that I was mentally ill and much more, it was painful, all over again, like living my worst nightmare because she was telling peers and people that I valued this, it was triggering that fight for survival instinct, again.
Last night I recalled a memory of a counselor at a group home I was in while awaiting placement for a foster home, when I was 15. This counselor was so kind and loving to me, she saw that I just needed someone to acknowledge my pain. She would take me places: movies, shopping, parks, shows, just to spend time with me to show me that I was worth spending time with because I was SO damaged from the years of my mom's rages at me; I was sure that I was worthless and throw away material, the idea that I was not worth having anyone even look at me was a loud screaming voice. I am alway grateful to people who could see into me to see that I was good, just very lost and wounded, in need of TLC.
I still love my NM, she was just extremely lost and still is on many levels; my mom has love in her heart and some redeemable qualities that have helped me over the years, I think that my mom had mental illness and that she feels that deep shame at that because our society places such a burden on people who suffer from mental illness, the shame of it. My mom has a good heart, people may have a hard time believing that but she can be loving and I would not be half the person I am if was not for some of the things that she DID do for me that were good. I just always hate having to spell out her abuse in order to get well.