I hear you, Amber. That's a clear distinction. And bravo to your sweet hub for the PDA!
Rambling on: I have a red flag filed for men who avoid any affectionate touch in public...like never taking my hand--in hindsight, with one N-nonbf (whom I pretended was really into me)--it was such a clear indicator that although he'd soak up my attention/affection in private, he wouldn't acknowledge me in any way as a gf in public--what a pathetic beagle I was. And another for the N who made a display of it to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable. Yikes.
My Nmother's touch isn't something I remember as tender, ever. It wasn't quite as rough as your mother's but my sense memories of her are never of affectionate touch. But daily hair braiding (ow!), and a great, great deal of fussing with my clothing. In fact, she was an incredibly talented seamstress, and turned me out in meticulously tailored clothes that she sewed. (This did her no good in our then-provincial town, where all status was based on having money and buying expensive brands. There was contempt for "home made.") In hindsight, I'm moved by her exquisite handiwork, French seams, all of it. And I honor that part of her, that carried the grace of handwork, her eye for fine tailoring, the sense of competence and dignity it gave her. Those are my happiest memories of her...being parallel, when she was doing something with her hands. It was working together. (The rest of it was all about her lecturing me, torture of a different kind.)
Despite this, I did also feel very much like a little specimen, and that my clothing and appearance were too desperately important to her...which rolls right back around to being her prop. Poor Mom. She really did try to do right. It's not her fault she was an N.
Affectionate touch came from my father, who stroked my hair and cuddled (never transgressing in the slightest). From him it was simple warmth and connection.
I can be very jumpy around touch. Oddly, I'm happy hugging women, and cautious with men. Once I am in any sort of relationship with a man, I'm very uneasy with "proprietary" touch. The sort of leaning, grabbing, displaying touch in public that some men in my life have done. The thing is, when it's reciprocal and mutual and represents a connection we're both feeling, I love it. I love hugging, handholding, and quick kisses even in public. When I hated it was when the man was cold or mean at home, and then "out there", was suddenly acting like, "This is mah woman, fellas, see me grab her." Grrr. I do not like that.
I guess this is all about the topic in a meandering way...