Email from N sister. OUCH.
Thank you soooo much! (in subject of email)
Hi seasons,
Thank you so much for the tape and waist band. How did you remember I wanted one. You're a doll !
You look fabulous !! Really makes you look 25 yrs old !
Had a ball last night. N-sister had siblings over for a poker game. We ended up playing a dice game.
You should of heard Michael in bed last night...He said" I feel like there was two Trish's in the and seasons are so much alike its unbelievable...your laughs,mannerisms, the way you make a look when talking...your would think you were twins (except for the age difference !)When seasons was worried what Kim thought ;he said I would do the same thing... She is referring to our new sister in-law. I was sitting next to her, she was very nice and sweet that evening. I was joking with her, she was laughing with me but I did say, don't take me serious when I was acting silly. She doesn't know me well at all. We were on the other side of the table I didn't know N-sister was watching me with her. I actually enjoyed her (sis in-laws) company, besides my husbands.
when you said throw it out (something touched something)he said I would do the same thing...again this morning he kept saying I don;t believe how much you and seasons are the same.
Unbelievable. He thinks he has never seen anything like it.
Well I guess he loves you too ! lol
well we are finishing packing . Dan and Kris are picking us up at 12;30.
James called this morning and apologized for being grumpy. He had a ball otherwise. ! He's my brother and he was rude and grumpy all night.
Thanks for ALL the food. She should not have bought all that stuff.
Call me to w alk Mon Tues, THurs and Fri. (wed in Hudson)
I have to run over and kiss my grandchildren goodbye. I do that before each trip and I am running out of time...Bye
Oh my gosh, I felt so ill after reading this.
I don't want to be like her!I went to my sisters (N) because I felt "BAD", my brother James has been compaining that I don't go to anything, family events etc.
Oldest sister (N) I'm in NC with......... wasn't there.
After we sat down my N sis brought out a picture of our dad, he was throwing a kiss. She starts off the night with saying
" I like to think he was throwing the kiss to ME", in-front of eight people she stood there and acted like a two year old!My husband was horrified through out the whole night. He said I didn't notice both my brothers would walk away from me when I/we were talking.
I told my husband yeah I noticed it, that's how they are.
But then I asked my hubby, "WHY DO THEY WANT ME THERE" when the really have no interest in even the smallest of conversations with me.
At one point my N-sister and her boyfriend were showing me their remodeled bathroom.
When I went to look my brother starts yelling, " I came here to play cards! If you don't come sit down I'm leaving NOW!!!"I went in the dining room,like usual. Sat down and felt his anger smoldering. I didn't say anything back, I felt scared of his temper.
He treats his new (third) wife like crap. I said, " James, Kim seems like a very nice girl"
He replied, "Yeah, she is nice, works hard and is or can be a BITCH!"I said you shouldn't say that. He basically said thats how I am. Too bad.
All night N sister was dropping her lines, took her boyfriend out for an $800 dinner. We do this, play this, at the "LAKE HOUSE". Then at the end of the night she put on a video for us/group to watch of her and her boyfriend at his vacation home in Florida. Her cooking, playing golf, watching a football game. It was insane. All you could hear is her voice in the back ground.
"Aren't we the cutest couple! It was nauseating.
DH and I left. He said, "never again! Everyone in that house is sick and has some serious problems".
Some how I tried the medium chill and got through it.
In my heart I know I am not like her. I do not prey on people, flaunt, roll my eyes, give blank stares, not answer when spoken to, ignore, "demand I be the princess" etc.
Do we share physical gestures, maybe some.
I've never heard it taken to this level in my life!
Talk about just trying to get through the night and now I'm her twin! Is this transference???
We wont be going back for another round. Just feel really contaminated. seasons