Hi Mo2Thank you for your input and I agree with your take on this.
I think what the professional victim is not seeig is that there is a way out, by not dwelling on the wrongs done that cannot be undone, but to think of how and why those wrongs affected them so, and work on thse 'personal defects'.
I was that away back in the in the beginning, and I
think I expected that if the wrong-doer apologized to me, all would go well for the rest of our lives. Not so! I've learned that the wrong-doer is never wrong and will therefore never apologize (change) unless he/she sees the light and wants to. The
victim will always be one unless he/she determines what s/he can do to change and no longer be a victim.
I'm being put through my paces in assertiveness, as a
no longer victim, as the Occupational Therapist, who is the one to plan my recovery, runs the whole show and is paid by the Insurance Co. BUT I don't have to agree if her choice is not beneficial in my healing. Yesterday she cut off my Physical Therapy. I am appalled as she did it, in my presence, even seeing that the pain was very bad just from too long on my boarded cushion.
She said I could do my exercises myself, which means I drop 2 that require the physical therapist's . Working together, Karla and I were making headway then MJ lowers the boom. I was in 'shock', but needed to first assess the situation, and came online to send emails to Karla, my Insurance Rep, who works with my lawyer, and to my lawyer as well.
This OT, Mary Jo, is mind boggling, and has the power to do what she has done, but my people also have the power to make her reverse her decision.
All this determines if I am a
victim of the accident or a survivor of the accident. I just have to speak up and also learn to temper my behaviour with MJ, as the only one hurt in the end will be me,while MJ gones on to plan someone else's defeat!
I am not a quitter, but as a quittr, I wouild be left with a useless leg, amd perhaps pain for the rest of my life.
P.S. what is "
wedle their own wegs" ?