I gained another sliver of insight today. I was stressed over the failure of my internet service. The provider says it is a piece of hardware and gave me the manufacturers phone number. The manufacturer tells me that I need to take it to a certified repair person but that the only person they have is in an area way out of town but that he can do some test for $35 right there on the phone. Whatever it is, I can see the $$$$ mounting up and it sends my stress levels soaring. It is just one of several issues that I am having with things breaking down in my home but I am internet dependent.
After spending an hour + on the phone with various folks re the internet I get in the car to take my son to my mother's b/c I have a meeting this evening. Stressed, I find myself getting irritated about having to go to this meeting. I don't have many clothes and I feel rotten about what I have on, and on and on. I feel myself slipping into a dark place, a place of despair and bad mood. I will only know 2 of the 10 or 12 people here.
Suddenly, I saw what was happening with me - it was a flash back - so many times something would happen on our way to some place - I would be screamed at or told that my hair looked awful or that my dress was ridiculous or something that caused me to feel horrible about myself - no one to turn to for comfort - and then we would arrive at our destination - another family's home, an event, the country club or something and I would be still hurt, still feeling bad about myself but expected to just snap out of it and pretend that nothing had happened, to shift into positive and perky and FUN. But the resentment I felt at having no acknowledgement of my experience nor my feelings was huge then and has remained so for all these years. It was because I had no voice and no listener. Never have. It fuels resentment and frustration.
Tonight I will be able to shift out of this and recognize that it belongs to the past and to the issues aboutmy computer rather than to this next event. I believe I will be able to separate the two tonight.