Author Topic: N's "Memories"  (Read 2019 times)


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N's "Memories"
« on: September 30, 2009, 01:49:06 PM »
I really can't get over the "memories" that NM has come up with in the past years.... There is never a meal eaten that her mother did not cook..... No matter what I say about the kids (that they are tired from activities, that I wish I could give them more free time, that they have lots of work), she had the same experience!!! The truth is, I don't know that her mother cooked more than two meals... and we sure as hell never had the same experiences my kids have. NM "remembers" driving us to all of our sports and activities. Well, that never happened. I quit everything b/c she bitched so much. She "remembers" us being tired from activities. Hmmmm.... since I was basically stuck in the house all the time, I doubt that was true. She "remembers" my sister having the same color hair as my nephew... Nope...

Just needed to throw this out there. Do your parents have corrected memories????

Thanks! Love, Beth
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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 02:40:29 PM »
Hi Beth,

If you ask my mum about our family history, she will paint you this glorious picture of a poor but happy, honest, hard working family who filled their days with sunny picnics and lashings of ginger beer.  Everything was perfect until I went mental and ripped the family apart, and now they are these poor, wretched people who never see their daughter or grandson because their daughter is so severely mentally disturbed she hears voices and fantasises about splitting the family up.

She always fails to mention the alcoholism, the sexual abuse, the beatings, the three day silences over some minor misdemeanor (potatoes weren't peeled, hoovering wasn't done etc), the affairs, the nine marriages between a total number of six different parents resulting in six children by two men and four women, each of whom were abused by a different parent in a different way, the fact that not one of us has a single memory of any of our parents reading to us, playing with us, teaching us how to do anything or saying anything other than a constant complaint and the fact that, of those six children only two speak to either of them now and they only see two of their eight grandchildren.  She also keeps quiet about the various criminal records picked up along the way and the dodgy tax evasions that go on to this day.

She claims my version of events is the result of my mentally disturbed mind.  Funnily enough, my sister and I (both long time sufferers of depression) haven't had any mental health problems since we went NC.

My therapist is encouraging me to talk about my childhood and asks me a lot of questions which I am finding helpful because it helps me to believe my own memories.  I've also been struck by the number of people who know my mum casually and, when I tell them I don't speak to her anymore, say "I never did like her, she always seemed a bit odd".  I guess the truth is too hard to bear so they create their own ideal.  My mum used to tell some people that she was a stay at home mum when we were babies and told others that she worked full time.  She can't have done both!  I think she's not even sure herself anymore.


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 02:47:51 PM »
My N MIL tells everyone in Florida that she raised her only son, (my husband) from the time he was five because her husband died. Truth is that he died when my husband was 16. My husband was made to cook and clean for his mother while she ran with other men. She ran on him all of her married life as well. She now claims that she is "QUEEN" of the town she lives in...

My NM contradicts her self constantly.  She would say that she wanted us siblings to be close, then she would play us against each other with this devilish look on her face. She claimed that she lived with a rich Aunt in a nearby large city at age 16, but, she can't remember the rich Aunts name. She claimed that I was a hippy and went to Wood Stock, I was 9 when during that time. Geeze...didn't she notice that I was never missing? I could go on forever with this...

My NH was at a seminar with me. Everyone was suppose to be revealing something honest and vulnerable about themselves, there were so many tears shed as each person spoke. NH's turn came and he announced that he was good friends with Tiger Woods!!! Then tried to get me to verify this!
First of all he NEVER met him and what does that say about honest vulnerability??? I could go on forever with this too.....

One of our daughters has all of the same traits too. She claims to her old friends that she was a slave in our home and raised her special needs sister. Truth is, we couldn't even get her to pick up after herself. Her friends soon caught on, they know me and my other daughters and have been to our home. They are no longer her friends. Her friends do not last long. I could also go on longer about this....

Yes, they have corrected memories.


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 03:03:01 PM »
One "corrected" memory stands out.....

I was about 8 or 9 years old and we were visiting my grandparents during the Christmas holidays.  NGranddad got VERY drunk, picked up a dining room chair and threatened to beat my grandmother with front of EVERYONE!!!!  Then I'm accused of "being CRAZY and IMAGINING" what I had just witnessed!!!!!   :x

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 03:13:08 PM »
Oh yeah Bones,
       Bring any of it back up and if it doesn't make them look good it NEVER happened! It's just maddening!   :x  yup, know that feeling!


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2009, 03:58:54 PM »
corrected memories...hmmmm.let me see. My problem with my NM is more along the lines of claiming not to remember conversations and things she's said. She's 72 now and tries to claim her aging brain is a factor but the fact is she's done this for the past 25 years....

If I told her the statement hurt my feelings....her response is she NEVER SAID IT. "Oh, come now, that simply is not true!"

If I ask her about what the statement meant and allude to it hurting my feelings .... her response is that I NEVER MEANT IT THAT WAY. but then ask how she meant it and its an evasive answer or a blank stare of HUH?  "Oh, come now, thats not how I meant it"

These responses have almost become so predictable that frequently I can change them up to get the response I want. I'll write back if this proves to be true!

AARF!!! Its incredibly frustrating!


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2009, 06:23:33 PM »
If you ask my mum about our family history, she will paint you this glorious picture of a poor but happy, honest, hard working family who filled their days with sunny picnics and lashings of ginger beer.  Everything was perfect until I went mental and ripped the family apart, and now they are these poor, wretched people who never see their daughter

Wow! I can't add anything more to this. If you asked my mother, you would get this response, EXACTLY.



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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2009, 08:55:03 PM »
Yes, yes and hell yes!  My NM is the same.  Thankfully I have my brother who confirms our shared memories of events or I would think I was the crazy one.  She has her version of our life as a family and we have what really happenned.


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 10:36:06 AM »
Oh yeah Bones,
       Bring any of it back up and if it doesn't make them look good it NEVER happened! It's just maddening!   :x  yup, know that feeling!

And I just HATE IT when they do that!!!!   :x

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 02:36:27 PM »
My NM does the changed memory thing all of the time.

Sometimes it can be about things years ago but sometimes about really recent things.

One of these memories is about what happened to her family when their house got bombed during the war. (This happened in 1941) She and her Nsister have different memories of what occurred and they have a great big row about it every year around the anniversary, sometimes they end up not speaking for months afterwards. I used to dread this row for years but eventually got to laugh about it behind her back.

My mum actually thinks she sat down and studied with me to help me pass a test when I was 11, she actually just bought me a book and never even discussed the contents. She thinks she took me out to the park, museums etc. when it was my dad who did this.

gratitude28 - my mum 'remembers' taking me for drum lessons and to chess club, when she too bitched about doing it so much that I gave up going pretty quickly. Then she had the gall to moan at me for quitting!

She also 'remembers' taking me to the dental hospital after I had a bike accident and had to have work on my teeth for some time. Somehow she doesn't remember getting fed up taking me and 'letting' me go on my own, aged 10. A journey which involved a mile walk to the station, a train journey and then a tube journey into a rough part of East London.

If I say what I remember she will say "that never happened" or "I never said that" or" how could you believe I would do/say that?" After she has said these things she rounds it off with "I never lie".


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 10:51:19 PM »
Oh Binks... Your story is heartbreaking. Such a little one having to take care of herself. I can remeber being little and having these times when my mother would actually fight with me like a child would with another child. One time she asked if I used the brush on the dog, adn I said I hadn't. She went on and on until I "admitted" I had. I think I was three....
cgm, My sister was horrified when she learned about some of the things that happened with NM. She remembers a little of it, but since we were four years apart, we did things in vastly different stages. She always knew there were "problems" between Nm and me. Of course NM told everyone it was because it was SO difficult to raise a teenager.
Ales... yes, the "you need to stop taking things wrong," and other ways of covering up for their nastiness do get on one's nerves...
getn, it took me years to see the lies. even as a kid I knew she exaggerated, but it wasn't until I put all this together that I realized she outright lies.
Two, I couldn't figure out the phrase "lashings of ginger beer." In American, lashing means to be hit with something lol!!!!!Yes, my NM has a fairy tale picture from her youth. And it gets crazier and weirder every time I see her or talk to her. She has no idea how crazy she is starting to sound to everyone lately.
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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2009, 11:04:22 PM »

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: N's "Memories"
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2009, 02:32:01 PM »
gratitude28 - it took me years to see my NMs lies too. Even when my husband would point it out, I made excuses for her for ages. Then I realised how obvious most of the lies were, she is just not clever enough to keep up a whole string of lies without contradicting herself.

Twoapenny I hope you forgive me for jumping in here with an explanation for those not familiar with author Enid Blyton.

'Lashings of ginger beer' is a phrase from a children's author of long ago, who was immensely popular in the UK during the 1940s/1950s and onwards for many years. She wrote for all ages and her books were always a bit old fashioned even at the time. In one set of books "The Famous Five" series, the children (and dog) solve lots of mysteries and are often rewarded with a "slap up tea and lashings of ginger beer", meaning lots of food and fizzy drinks. The phrase is often used, either as irony or to depict something charming and old fashioned that probably never really happened. The language 'slap up' and 'lashings' is meant to evoke the children's slang of the time.