Last night, a word came to me--Creature. I thought I would fall down from the grief of it
Last year, my B told me he wanted to commit suicide.I didn't want him to commit suicide, of course BUT I also did not want him to be committed to a mental hospital if he didn't need to be.
I told my M I did not want him "put away" if he didn't have to be. My M said COLDLY,"Well, *I* do."
*I* would have had to give the evidence to put him in and I WOULDN"T.
Her voice was so cold, so uncaring of the gravity of what it would mean to my B to be put away.She did not care if he would be tied to a bed or whatever is done. I don't know.
I don't know if I am explaining myself. This is just one incident but it keeps coming to my mind.
There are thousands of others.