Yes, we are awesome. I had a minor epiphany today while waiting in line at the mall for one of those blended, all sugar, flavored coffee drinks...
Anyway, there was a woman in front of me who seemed nice, nicer actually than her looks (my judgmental attitude is 100% from my NMother who always picked people and their outfits apart. She always says she's never insulted me - she doesn't have to - by insulting everyone else, I already know before I put the outfit on what she is thinking;)
As I was standing there - it occurs to me that Nism is alot like colors. We've been deprived of knowing our voice, our COLOR and its SHADE and you could buy 100 designer outfits, but if its not just the right color and shade for YOU, you wont be fabulous. As people who've been berated by Ns we don't know ourselves well enough to know the shade, or worse, we've been misled, manipulated into thinking theres an opinion that comes with "that" color (i.e meaning us). I can look back at old pictures and see where I've let my prettier self dull by the clothes I wore and hairstyles I chose. I am much more than that - and sometimes you can see it... my point is that when you say we are awesome, we are, not because we live with Nism in our life but because this wound gives us a chance to know our SHADES. I think the healing is in the revealing and the more you know about yourself, it means you are willing to increase your self respect... and in so doing will increase the level of the people you attract into your life.
I've always thought I was red, now I know I'm green and I am just learning which shades of green are right for me to move on in life...
Does this make any sense?