Some woman expressed how hard it was to understand men. I have the opposite feeling. Maybe our difficulty with one sex is a result of our FOO(family or origin) patterns.
My M threw me the biggest curve ball. My F was good to me, although he never stood up. He was the same ,day to day. He did not rage one minute, squish with love the next, reject the next, pull too close the next,hate the next etc.
My M made me hold my sanity tightly to myself like my last piece of clothing

I trust men more than woman. I have male friends in a relatively easy way but female friends hurt my soul. I have a female friend I LOVE now but it is hard for me to be close to a woman. I go step by step even though my body wants to run, shout, go in a corner:all the emotions I had as a kid.
They replay with females in a way they don't with males.
I thought it would be interesting to hear the viewpoints of other friends ,on here! xxoo Ami