I am sure, in your situation, culture has a play. However, I think a lot of N's are soooo adept at acting "normal" outside of the abusive household. I know my mother has maintained this fascade her whole life. Thus, when the veil of deception was finally lifted from my face, and I tried to talk to some of my closest friends about this, they truly did not believe me and actually defended her! They knew her as the sweet little lady she has portrayed to her public." Ruth? Never! It was just the era (50's/60's), many parents were "strict" like that in those days." How invalidated I felt! At least, I think, they eventually realized they had better stop defending this woman, or lose a friend.But I must say, I was deeply hurt. I am so glad to have a sister who feels the same, and has experienced the same as I. And all you wonderful ladies out there, as well. Judy