My natural instinct is to worry about what invalidating people will say. I don't know if that's a DONM survival thing. While I'm working to get over NM, mean comments from other people still stick in my head and cause me to self-blame.
I spent a year or two on yahoo answers (when I was 24-25), and felt re-victimized again. People told me that my mom had the right to control me since I was living under her roof, how I'm too old to be living with her, how I'm lazy, how I'm a bad person for letting my step-dad offer financial help, how I "play victim", how I would be the laughingstock of the town if I reported rape...all kinds of bizarre things. I was dumb enough to believe these people on yahoo, and it made me do self-destructive things. I have credit card debt to pay off, b/c I thought that my mom wouldn't abuse me if I paid for my own stuff (WRONG). After all, that's the advice that people on yahoo answers gave. NM will still try to abuse you as long as she's alive, so that doesn't work. All what I'm left with is paying that debt off and still having to endure NM's constant calling about my weight and hearing her guilt-ridden voicemail messages. I get mad at myself for listening to those strangers on yahoo.
Is the real world like this? I haven't told anyone in Boston (where I live now) about my old life.....part of it is fear that people will say mean things. Only my therapist (who has a N mom) knows. Does it make sense to still obsess over what people say on yahoo answers? It's almost like PTSD all over again. I felt like I had to explain my situation to people on yahoo, and they didn't understand. They made me feel like I was too weak and that something is wrong with me if I can't say no. I wish I could make people understand that there's no way out from my NM. Even if I lived in the same state, she would still be intrusive (trying to find ways to break in my place, spying on me, getting others to spy on me, etc).That's why I had to wait to finish graduate school and get a out of state job offer. I feel like people blame me that I should have gotten away from NM quicker. I hate all of this "Once you're 18, your parents can't control you" BS. Some parents don't care.