Do they? You tell me, b/c my mom didn't care. It's almost as if she took pleasure in seeing me cry, so she could manipulate me into doing what she wanted.
When I told someone this, they said "Maybe you were crying over childish things."
Um...when someone makes you feel worthless, not good enough, fat, screams at you, intimidates you, acts mean....your feelings will be hurt and you may cry to express your pain. How is that childish?
When I wanted to see a therapist for my past sexual abuse, my mom screamed at me causing me to cry. She said, "I'm better than any therapist out there! You should only talk to me" (HAHAHAHAH!) I cried, because I wanted help so badly. Then, I thought my mom was stopping me from getting something that was good for my health. At 24, I had to sneak around my mom's back to see a therapist (without that therapist, I wouldn't be where I am). I didn't want to deal with my mom screaming at me or plotting ways on how to stop me (she's good at sabotaging things).
My question is how would a normal mom act in this situation? Would she understand why her kid is crying? On top of that, all of my ex boyfriends were just like my mom. They hated tears and yelled at you for crying. They expected you to take mean comments and just shut up.
It makes you wonder if the whole world is like this. I hope not. I hope people can agree that the above examples make my mom seem truly cruel.